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Don Briddell
local time: 2024-09-11 20:15 (-04:00 DST)
Don Briddell (About)
CNPS Member
Structure Theorist, Design Scientist, Sculptor, Artist
Interests: Field Structure Theory, Structural Skew Topology, Nuclear Structure, Cosmology Age: 75


·       Theoretical study and research into the nature of form and structure

·       The application of form and structure theory to fundamental physical reality

Practical application of form and structure theory to human scale technologies, engineering, architecture and education.

Formal Education:

            Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY degree in Industrial Design 1966Thesis title: “Form and Structure Theory”

            United States Peace Corps, Small industry developer in Ecuador 1966 – 1969

            Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy, Sivanandanagar, India, Acharia Degree 1970

Experience: Note: This resume only references information relevant to my work in the science of form and structure. I have made my living since 1975 in the arts, properties, and finance.

·       Became fascinated with science in 7th grade and began a life-long reading of all things physics.

·       Studied form and structure theory under the direction of Prof. William Katavolus at Pratt Institute 1965 – 66.

·       Independent study of the work of Buckminster Fuller and Kenneth Snelson while at Pratt Institute 1965 – 66.

·        Senior thesis with Stanley Wysocki on Form and Structure Theory 1965 – 66.

·       Continued work on thesis in Ecuador during Peace Corps 1966 – 1969.

·       Spent a year in India at the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy learning how to experience field consciousness (having previously learned and lived in the field object consciousness of the West). Note: I consider this education and experience in “field consciousness” to have been profound as it led to breakthroughs in solving conceptual obstacles that my native “object consciousness” had been incapable of addressing.

·       Worked in South Africa developing portable architecture based on my discoveries in form and structure. Won the Industrial Design award in RSA in 1972 for the best design of the year from the Industrial Designers Association of South Africa (it’s new name). Product adopted by RSA military.

·       Returned to the States in 1973 to continue my private research into form and structure while pursuing a livelihood in other areas of interest.

·       Made public discoveries about fieldstructures (formerly called “torsion structures”) in 2004 at a meeting of SNEC, whom are Buckminster Fuller aficionados meeting in Washington, DC at Georgetown University.

·       Began attending since 2005 conferences at various universities and gatherings of people interested in form and structure theory and its relationship to physics. Approximately 20 presentations to date (12/2012) have been made along with published papers (see Publications).

Theoretical development of Field Structure Theory and its research inspired applications

·       1965 -> Began work on thesis project Theory of Form and Structure, Pratt Institute, junior year under the direction of William Katavolus.

o   Discovered a way to structure form (polyhedra) with pure torsion, now called Structors.

o   Structors lead to the discovery of a new topological family of structural form called “Fieldstructures”, which are three-dimensional knots.

o   Built linear (using lines and tubes) and planar (using strips of paper) three-dimensional knot continuums.

o   Studied twisting, knotting, and torsion from the structural perspective.

o   Discovered that all polyhedra (all 3-D forms, be they regular, semi-regular, or irregular) can be made structural with interacting loops.

o   Primacy of the loop, how action loops alone can build a universe through structural interaction.

·       1966 > Completed undergraduate senior thesis “Form and Structure Theory”

o   Accepted into masters program with full scholarship to continue work on thesis at Illinois Institute of Technology.

o   One month after being accepted to IIT, I got a draft notice from the Army.

o   Draft board let me join the Peace Corps serving as a small industry developer in Ecuador.

·       1966 - 1969 > While in the Peace Corps spent free time working on form and structure during this time realized that Form and Structure Theory was in essence an field structure issue and that physics had the most to say about that subject. Began reading in physics

·       1970-1 > Studying and research of fields in India

o   Relationship between particle fields and wave fields.

o   How loops and twists can define both particle and wave fields

o   Developed a new conceptual approach to field study that involved the topological properties of 3-D knots that allowed fields to be understood as   loops, links, knots, twists and their interactions.

o   Studied with masters of field consciousness the techniques of Raja and Shakta yoga along with studying Vedantic philosophy that is very much an interactive field approach to consciousness at the Yoga Vedanta Forest Academy, of the Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India.

·       1980 -90>Worked in South Africa (one year) and then lived near York, PA (5 years) then settled permanently in Mt. Airy, MD.

o   the structural reason why waves wave

o   the structural reason why e- / e+ and p+/p- particles are stable

o   the structural reason why the transitory particles are not stable

·       1990- to Dec. 31, 1999 >

o   Continued developing a structural concept that would generate all form from waves interaction including real and anti-matter forms, bosons and fermion forms.

o   Introduced the notion of “cloaking”, whereby the real matter cloaks anti-matter and showed structurally why matter and anti-matter have to be interacting in the same domain in spit of the fact real-matter is cloaking the presence of anti-matter.

o   Continued intensive study of physics and developing the fieldstructure interpretation of what physics has discovered.

o   Began in 1990 working on how Field Structure Theory (FST) applies to fundamental physics and on Dec. 31st 1999 (the day before the new millennium began) discovered how 3-D loop fractal automata structuring using Sierpinski Triangle hierarchy generates the known values of particles, both stable and transitory particles and in all three particle generation families, within a fraction of one-percent of known values; a day in Lonavala, India I will never forget.

·       2000 to 2004 >

o   Discovered that mass and energy can be quantified by a count of loops and twists. In this period discovered two-dimensionally counting gives whole number counts of mass and energy values. Note: In 2012 learned that by counting in three-dimensions, the fractional values of mass can be derived.

o   Worked on completing The Particle Hierarchy Chart.

o   Developed a working concept of how from a loop Plenum (aetheric) background dependant substratum, energy and particles are derived without the use of arbitrary parameters.
o   Worked on how plenum loops can link and knot without having to destroy the loop’s integrity to accomplish it.

§  Paper # 1 “Field Structure Theory” – outline July 24th, 2004, 6 pages

 o   Consolidation of the general rules governing Structural Skew Topology (SST); a geometry whereby the allowable forms correspond to the forms allowed by Nature.  

o   Formulated the three axioms of Structural Skew Topology

o   Presented work publically for the first time to followers and associates of Buckminster Fuller.

o   Concept and mechanics of how EM waves become confined to a locality.

·       2005>

§  Paper # 1: “Field Structures - three dimensional nucleated wave structures”, April 2005, 7 pages, first presented at Science and Art meeting at Rutgers University, New Jersey

§  Paper # 1a:“An Introduction to Field Structure Theory, 10 Oct-2005  

       31 pages, first presented at NPA meeting, UCONN, Storrs, CT.  Published in NPA 2007 Proceedings

§  Paper # 1f: “Field Structures - three dimensional nucleated wave structures”, 5-Feb-2005, 7 pages 44, first presented at Alternative Natural Philosophy Alliance (ANPA) meeting, Univ. of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

§  Published “Science & Art Symposium 4” Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Dr. Norman Zabusky chairman

o   Discovered how EM waves transition to a particle having locality, the SOL (speed of light) neutrino particle and why there are three forms of neutrino.

o   Discovered where the missing anti-particles are and why they can’t be observed.

o   How radiant waves input and output of stable local particle fields.

o   Discovered the seven geo-topological families of fieldstructures that correspond to the seven platforms of structure in Nature.

§  Loop action matrix, background dependant aether (Plenum)

§  Speed of light (SOL) radiant electromagnetic waves (Actors)

§  SOL localized particles (speed of light neutrinos) (Nadis)

§  Local light particles (electrons, protons) (Structors)

§  Atoms (SuperStructors

§  Molecules (Malas)

o   Introduced the principal of “Multiple Certainties”, which replaces the “Uncertainty Principle” with determinism not possible for the statistical probability approach of Uncertainty. Multiple Certainties give science a way to understand the mechanics of a single event, whereas the Uncertainty Principle is a way of handling a huge number of events.

·       2006>

§  Published “Conceptions – Proceedings of ANPA 27”, published by ANPA c/o Dr. Keith Bowden, Theoretical Physical Research Unit, Birkbeck College, Malet St., London, WC1E7HX, May 2006  

§  Paper # 3D: “An introduction to Field Structure Theory (FST)”, June 29, 2006, 30 pages, presented to Alternative Natural Philosophy Alliance ANPA for publishing.

§  Paper # 4D: “Field Structure Theory (FST), Oct. 2006, 11 pages, present to the Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA) in April 2006 at the Tulsa University meeting and published Oct. 2006. Published in NPA 2006 Proceedings 2006 by Dr. Cynthia Whitney,141 Rhinecliff St., Arlington, MA  02476

§  Particle Hierarchy Chart, giving known mass and energy values for 1st generation particles in terms of knot and twists as specified buy Structural Skew Topology. Chart was show for the first time at in the Proceedings of the NPA.

o   How energy manifests as the interaction of two chiral waves, i.e. looping and twisting.

o   How to structurally model bosons and fermions.

o   Realized that all forms are the product of looping and twisting (torsion)

·       2007>

§  Paper 5, “Structural Skew Topology and Field Structures, presented to IJSS, at Rhode Island School of Design. Dec. 2007, 15 pages

o   Got a working concept of how waves.

o   Form and structure are scalable.

o   Since this is true, then given the correct energies form all scales of form can be recreated at higher scales of size, which if correct means it should be possible to build a macro atom the size of a centimeter.

·       2008>

§  Published paper in “Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance 2008, by Dr. Cynthia Kolb Whitney, 141 Rhinecliff St., Arlington, MA 02476   ISSN 1555-4775,  Vol. 5, No. 1

o   Further work on the Sierpinski Triangle Fractal and it utilization as a way to diagram the particle hierarchy.

o   Worked out how FST derives the fermion energy equation E = mc2 and the boson energy equation E = fh. Both equations can be derived from the Sierpinski Triangle Fractal when viewed in terms of loops and twisting of the loop.

o   Realization that energy is a chiral (two) loop structure (bosonic) and mass is a single loop structure (fermionic). Mass structure can be built with a single loop while bosonic structure needs two chiral interacting loops.

·       2009>

§  Paper 6: “ The String and Knot - understanding consciousness from the structural perspective”, Oct. 2009, 11 pages.

o   Showed that the Fine Structure Constant is derived from the condensation of the plenum loop matrix when particles form. Related to symmetry issues within the plenum.

o   Introduced the concept that waves behave like braids of rope.

o   Condensing and deploying waves modeled by braided rope(s).

o   Showed structurally how when one side of an EM wave set condenses, a fermion particle forms and made stable.

o   With the appearance of the particle a charge is produced.

o   Showed how and why fermions have spin 1/2 (because they are formed from one or the other side a chiral EM wave set.

o   Showed field waves increase frequency by collapsing, and are held magnetically in the nucleus.

o   Showed why a boson is spin 1 and fermions ½ spin. Bosons are spin one because both sides of the EM wave are braided together while fermions one side of the wave is braded with itself.

o   Bosons have even number frequencies while fermions have odd number frequencies.

·       2010>

§  Paper 7: “The Meaning of Structure – a structural approach to understanding Nature”, July 2010, first presented at a meeting of the NPA, Univ. of California, Long Beach, CA, 9 pages. Published in NPA 2010 Proceeding book.

o   Modeled neutron formation from EM wave interaction at cryogenic temperatures.

o   Worded out why only the electron and proton are stable, while the free neutron is not stable when outside the nucleus.

o   Worked out why the neutron has to form before the proton can form.

o   Worded out how atoms can be built form neutron decay (more accurate term is “neutron deployment”.

o   Source of neutron production is in stars.

o   Cosmic source of EM energy is from the galactic center.

o   Established the cyclic linkage using FST between the glacial process of returning confined EM energy of particle, atoms, molecules to EM’s radiant forms and how stars gather that EM energy, and produce matter and thus closing the cycle into an endless loop feedback system of creation, destruction, creation again.

o   Structural relationship between entropy, governing centrifugal energy processes, and extropy governing centripetal mass processes.

o   The notion that “something can come from nothing” is structurally meaningless.

o   Form and Structure Theory replaces that concept with “something comes from everything”.

o   Form can be without a structure, but structure cannot be without a form.

o   Which is to say, a knot cannot exist without a string, but a string can exist without a knot. These two statements represent succinctly the new paradigm of structure embodied in Field Structure Theory.

o   Showed how the Fine Structure Constant can be derived from the geo-topology of the field structure loop Plenum accurately to four decimals (137.0359).

·       2011>

§  Paper # 9: “Field Structures – an introduction”. Presented at RISD, Nov. 2011, 25 pages

§  PowerPoint # 9: “Field Structure Introduction”, first presented at RISD, Nov. 2011, 37 slides

§  Paper # 10: “The Neutron – modeled as a fieldstructure”, first presented at a NPA meeting at Univ. of MD, July 2011, 10 pages

§  Published Paper # 10 in the “Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance -18”, © 2011 The Natural Philosophy Alliance, Vol. 8

§  PowerPoint # 8: “The Neutron - the fieldstructure model”, first presented at a NPA meeting at Univ. of MD, July 2012

o   Realized now fieldstructures are responsible for both space and time.

o   How space and time is the product of, and determined by, mass and energy quantifiable using FST.

o   Showed how energy is related to time and mass is related to space.

o   Further defined how looping creates energy and twisting is actually the doubling of form. Looping is rotation about a center and twisting which is doubling is rotation of the line(s) of action, which is rotation about the line of action.

o   The realization that all motion is the product of condensing and deploying EM waves by the two ways a line of action can rotate.

o   How fractal topology governs the form and structure of fields.

o   The fractal nature of energy fields.

o   How loop cellular automata generates quantitative mass and energy values.

o   New loop modeling of wave collapse and deployment in boson and fermion structures.

·       2012>

§  PowerPoint 10:  “Multiple Certainties”, 56 slides, first presented at a meeting of the NPA, Albuquerque, NM, July 2012.

§  Paper # 11: “Multiple Certainties – an implication of Field Structure Theory, first presented at a meeting of the NPA, Albuquerque, NM, July 2012, 7 pages.

§  Published in the “Proceedings of the Natural Philosophy Alliance 2012”, ISBN 978-1-105-95509-9 © 2012

o  How to model condensed “localized” waves and deployed “totalized” waves

o  Fieldstructures (FSs) allow for the particle and wave to be understood at the same time without paradox.

o  FSs allow us to know position and momentum at the same time.

o  Modeled how looping creates space (adds mass) and twisting produces time (adds energy).

o  Began writing the: “The Science of Structure – structure as a science in its own     right”. It is the first of a four volume series.