- The Dynamics of Matter via Maxwell?s Equations (1997) [Updated 7 years ago]
- Timekeeping and the Speed of Light - New Insights from Pulsar Observations (1995) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- Maxwell's Equations in Moving Coordinates (1992) [Updated 7 years ago]
- Does the Local Gravitational Field Govern the Speed of Light? (1991) [Updated 7 years ago]
- The Dynamics of Matter via Maxwell?s Equations (1997) [Updated 7 years ago]
Electromagnetic standing waves in a resonant box provide a simplistic but useful model of matter, and the resonator's dynamics are analyzed using Newtonian time, the actual speed of light, and an extension of Maxwell's equations for free space. The model offers a unifying rational basis for many of matter's dynamic characteristics including those that are often referred to as "relativistic".
- Timekeeping and the Speed of Light - New Insights from Pulsar Observations (1995) [Updated 1 decade ago]
The pulse rates of some millisecond pulsars have long term stabilities that rival our best atomic clocks. Furthermore, the pulsars are not affected by the dynamics of our solar system, which produce cyclic variations in earth based atomic time standards. Measuring time in "pulsar seconds" and Einstein's "time" in uncorrected atomic seconds leads to two different measures of the speed of light, both of which have important physical interpretations that are discussed. The evidence indicates that Einstein's definition of "time" and his principle of relativity are very useful but not universal "truths" and that Newton's ideas of time and space were discarded prmaturely.
- Maxwell's Equations in Moving Coordinates (1992) [Updated 7 years ago]
When describing electromagnetic waves propagating through free space, Maxwell's equations are applicable only if the wave speed can be treated as a constant, and this restricts the choice of coordinates. The constraint can be overcome by some relatively simple modifications of the equations for propagating fields, and such modifications are described herein.
- Does the Local Gravitational Field Govern the Speed of Light? (1991) [Updated 7 years ago]
There is little doubt that light and other electromagnetic (EM) waves propagate through free space with a speed that is a constant with respect to something, but the nature of that something is still a subject of much debate. Beckmann has proposed that "the velocity of light is constant with respect to the local gravitational field through which it propagates," and as noted by Hayden, this model "makes a specific prediction that the velocity of light with respect to an observer moving at velocity u through the field is c * u, i.e., the light velocity combines vectorially with field velocity. II This proposal will be called the gravitational velocity theory.
It can also be hypothesized that the local gravitational field acts as an absolute reference for the scaler speed of EM waves. In this case, the wave speed = c + n * vg, where n is the unit vector normal to the wave front and vg is the velocity (in the chosen coordinates) of the local gravitational field. This model will be called the graVitational speed theory. These two theories are equivalent when vg is parallel to n, but their predictions are quite different when vg is orthogonal to n.