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Prof. Roger A. Rydin
local time: 2024-09-20 19:52 (-04:00 DST)
Prof. Roger A. Rydin (About)
World Science Database Profile
Associate Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering
Interests: Cosmology, Nuclear Structure


  • Sc.D., Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964
  • S.M., Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts, Institute of Technology, 1958
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, Northwestern University, 1957


  1. Guest Scientist, Radiation Physics and Thermodynamics, Joint Research Center,
    Ispra, Italy, 1989-1990 (while on leave from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia).
  2. Guest Scientist, Radiation Physics and Thermodynamics, Joint Research Center,
    Ispra, Italy, summer 1987.
  3. Research Participant, Ballistics Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, Maryland, summer 1984.
  4. Guest Scientist, Fast Reactor Safety Group, Joint Research Center, Ispra Italy, 1981-1982 (while on leave from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia).
  5. Guest Scientist, Institute fur Reaktorentwicklung, Der Kernforschungsanlage Julich, West Germany, summer 1980.
  6. Research Participant, Engineering Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
    Oak Ridge, Tennessee, summer 1979.
  7. Guest Scientist, Institute fur Reaktorentwicklung, Der Kernforschungsanlage Julich, West Germany, 1975- 1976 (while on leave from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia).
  8. Nuclear Engineer, Reactor Kinetics and Stability Group, General Electric Company, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, Schenectady, New York, 1966-1970.
  9. Visiting Scientist, Nuclear Chemistry Division, Reactor Spectrum Measurements Group, Euratom Laboratory, Ispra, Italy, 1964-1966.
  10. Visitor, Physics Research Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,  Massachusetts, various periods of time between 1961 and 1977.
  11. Engineer, Preliminary Plant Engineering Group, Westinghouse Atomic Power Department, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1958-1960.
  12. Coop, Electronics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, 3 quarters, 1956-1957.

Honor Societies, Scholarships, Fellowships, Professional Societies

  • Academic Scholarship, Northwestern University
  • Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies Fellowships, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 3 years
  • Sigma Xi, Science Honorary
  • Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honorary
  • Eta Kappa Nu, Electrical Engineering Honorary
  • American Nuclear Society
  • Reviewer for Nuclear Science and Engineering and Nuclear Technology
  • Student ANS Chapter Advisor, 1982-1987
  • Executive Committee, ANS Reactor Physics Division, 1981-1984
  • ANS Meetings, Proceedings and Transactions Publications Committee, 1979-1982
  • Executive Committee, ANS Mathematics and Computation Division, 1978-1981
  • Who's Who in Technology
  • Who's Who in the South and Southwest