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Alan McCone
local time: 2024-04-19 00:27 (-07:00 DST)
Alan McCone (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Sub-Quantum Physics 11: The N-Wave Photon, Particles, Transversality, & Polarization (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Previous articles argue that the photon is a weak shock N-wave in the kinetic-fluid equivalent of Wein-berg's hugely-dense space medium. Here we see photons acting transversely in all processes of photonic exci-tation or de-excitation, thus explaining the photon property of transversality. Simple inertial properties of an electron in the kinetic-fluid medium are invoked to show how the transverse action of an arriving N-wave pho-ton causes oscillations in electron position in an antenna. Polarization can be attributed to N-wave photons if the wave cross-sections are blade-shaped rather than circular.  This explanation is consistent with Malus' law and polarizations observed in molecular scattering of sunlight. The N-wave photon concept is seen as supple-mentary to, and not in lieu of, other theories of the makeup of the physical vacuum.

    ? 2001 Occidental Science Institute. Published by permission of the copyright holder.

  • Sub-Quantum Physics 10: The N-Wave Photon Explains Planck's Constant (2008) [Updated 7 years ago]

    A previous article shows that photons can be considered as weak shock N-waves propagating in a compressible space medium with Weinberg's specific gravity of ten to the ninetieth power. This article adds the granularity proper to a kinetic compressible medium, and shows how the transport properties of viscosity and thermal conductivity can constrain a shock N-wave to a particular length inversely proportional to the shock strength. The effect ties the thickness of the shock front to the mean free path of the ponderable particles assumed to make up the medium. The speed of sound in the medium is what we recognize as the speed of light.

    ? 2001 Occidental Science Institute. Published by permission of the copyright holder.

  • Sub-Quantum Physics 9: The N-Wave Photon is Compatible with Special Relativity (2007) [Updated 6 years ago]

    A previous article showed that photons can be considered as weak shock N-waves propagating in a compressible space medium with Weinberg's specific gravity of ten to the ninetieth power. This article shows that, although such a space medium constitutes an absolute stationary reference frame, it is nevertheless compatible with special relativity. First, the chosen N-waves have inertial properties that accord with relativistic dynamics. Second, it is possible to perform a Lorentz transformation between any starting frame and ending frame in two steps, a first step from the starting frame to the absolute rest frame of the space medium, and a second step from the frame of the space medium to the ending frame. One knows that this is possible, even if one cannot know which frame is the absolute frame. As seen from the absolute frame, a ?light-pulse clock' analysis shows that the slowing down of moving clocks is a real physical process. Because of the huge medium density, even the most energetic N-wave photons have fractional velocity overages that are undetectable, conforming to the special relativity tenet that the speed of light is constant at a value of c0.

    ? 2001 Occidental Science Institute. Published by permission of the copyright holder.

  • Sub-Quantum Physics 8: Photons Have Inertial Properties of Weak Shock N-Waves (2005) [Updated 7 years ago]

    This article takes seriously the assertion by Steven Weinberg that, compared to water as 1, the specific gravity of the physical vacuum is ten to the ninetieth power. The space medium is assumed to have properties of a compressible medium, and so can support weak shock N-waves, which are familiar as the physical phenomenon behind a ?sonic boom'. The present analysis builds upon a conclusion from a previous paper that photons do not need to have spin angular momentum, and therefore they may be seen merely as propagating disturbances in the medium. With properly selected properties, weak shock N-waves can serve to model photons. The speed of sound in the medium is then what we call the speed of light.

    ? 2003 Occidental Science Institute. Published with permission of the copyright holder.

  • Sub-Quantum Physics 7: The Spin-Zero Photon Hypothesis (2004) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    This article argues that it is incorrect to ascribe spin angular momentum to the photon. This conclusion emerges from a new method for analyzing quantum states, called ?Maxwellian decomposition?. This decomposition shows the motion of the electron in hydrogen 2P, 3D, and 4F, etc., excited states, to consist only of radial motions along essentially degenerate ellipse orbits, exhibiting essentially no angular momentum. Hence, what customarily has been called ?orbital angular momentum? should rather be called ?orbital directionality?. So there is no change in angular momentum in an atomic transition from, say, the hydrogen 2P state to the 1S state. Hence, it is not necessary to conserve angular momentum by requiring that the photon have a spin angular momentum.

    ? 2003 Occidental Science Institute. Published with permission of the copyright holder.

  • Stanley Jaki's Critique of Heisenberg's Interpretation of the Uncertainty Principle (2002) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Sub-Quantum Physics 5: H Atom States: Constant Density Balls, and Degenerate Ellipses (2001) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Angular considerations of the quantum states of the hydrogen atom are here fully treated in terms of a new sub-quantum physics. The methodology leads to excellent fits for Schrodinger 1S, 2P, 3D, and 4F position probability densities. The 1S state is a superposition of concentric constant-probability-density balls. The 2P, etc., states are superpositions of radial motions in degenerate ellipses, fanning out angularly from a central axis.

  • Realist Philosophy of Nature (2000) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Sub-Quantum Physics 4: Oscillator Ground State from Aether Stochastic White Noise (2000) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    A standard treatment of the motion of the classical simple harmonic oscillator driven by a ?kinetic gas?-type white noise stochastic process is shown to have direct relevance to the quantum oscillator ground state. When the driving excitation involves normally distributed impulses, the position probability density of the oscillator is normal, just as for the quantum oscillator ground state. For both the classical oscillator and the quantum oscillator ground state, the position probability density function has the functional form exp[-V(y)/E0]. In each case the argument numerator function V(y) is Ky2/2 , where is the position variable (the distance from the neutral point) and K is the force constant. The argument denominator for the classical oscillator is E0 = kT where k is Boltzmann?s constant and T is the absolute temperature. The denominator for the quantum oscillator ground state is just the quantum zero-point energy E0 = hv/2 where h is Planck?s constant and v is the oscillator natural frequency. The resemblance between the densities for the stochasitcally-driven classical oscillator and the quantum oscillator ground state lends support to the author?s previous assertion that the quantum oscillator can be seen as an essentially classical object driven by stochastic bombardment from an underlying aether. The article presents the stochastic methodology.

  • Sub-Quantum Physics 3: Each Sperical Harmonic is Two Space States Without Spin Opposition (1999) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    This article is part of a program to explain the quantum uncertainty and the quantum wave function as envelopes of motion resulting from bombardment of a quantum particle by the surrounding medium or aether. The program sees quantum position probabilities as superpositions of position probabilities of classical orbits. In a previous article, this ?method of fits,? a method successful for the ground state of the oscillator, is applied to states of the hydrogen atom with emphasis on 1S and 2P states. The Schr?dinger solution for the 1S state is fit exactly by the method. It is concluded that the Schr?dinger solution for the 2P state is a summary, but not an exact description, of a true dynamical state of motion in superposed coaxial ellipsoids. In the present article it is argued that two spatial states are embedded in each of the spherical harmonic angular states which are solutions to the central field quantum wave equation, and therefore it is not necessary to invoke opposed electron spins to explain the presence of two states in light of the exclusion principle. The natural classical motion for a Keplerian bound state is an ellipse, in which the particle spends more of its time on one side of the origin and less on the other side, and it would highly unnatural for the ellipse to jump suddenly to the symmetrically opposite side. It is concluded that a different spatial state is signified by each of the two lobes of each of the ellipsoidal spherical harmonics, and that there is also room for two electrons on opposite sides of the nucleus in the symmetrical S states.

  • Sub-Quantum Physics 2: ?Directional Modality? vs. ?Angular Momentum? in Central Force Wave Mechanics (1998) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    This article is part of a program to explain the quantum uncertainty and the quantum wave function as envelopes of motion resulting from bombardment of a quantum particle by the surrounding medium or aether. The program sees quantum position probabilities as superpositions of position probabilities of classical orbits. In a previous article, this ?method of fits,? a method successful for the ground state of the oscillator, is applied to states of the hydrogen atom with emphasis on 1S and 2P states. The Schr?dinger solution for the 1S state is fit exactly by the method. It is concluded that the Schr?dinger solution for the 2P state is a summary, but not an exact description, of a true dynamical state of motion in superposed coaxial ellipsoids. In the present article, it is argued that the term ?directional modality? should be preferred to the term ?angular momentum? in discussions of the solutions of the quantum central force problem. Before their use in wave mechanics, spherical harmonics were used in physics to describe macroscopic static fields of electric potential, which have no angular momentum. Rather than being attributed to ?centrifugal force,? the ?repulsion? apparent in wave mechanics solutions to the central force problem should be attributed to the ?fires of the quantum process.?

  • Sub-Quantum Physics 1: Method of Fits Applied to the Hydrogen Atom (1997) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    This article is part of a program to explain the quantum uncertainty and the quantum wave function as envelopes of motion resulting from bombardment of a quantum particle by the surrounding medium or aether. The program sees quantum position probabilities as superpositions of position probabilities of classical orbits. This ?method of fits,? a method successful for the ground state of the oscillator, is applied here to states of the hydrogen atom. 1S and 2P states are studied in detail. The Schr?dinger solution for the 1S state is exactly fit by the method. The Schr?dinger solution for the 2P state is seen as a summary, but not an exact description, of a true dynamical state of motion in superposed coaxial ellipsoids. The general mathematical identity for the method of fits for hydrogen states shows the quantum position probabilities to be represented as superpositions of position probabilities of collections of segments of classical orbits. For hydrogen the classical orbits are ellipses, which are here grouped into ellipse families, each family consisting of ellipses all of which have the same major axis, the same energy, the same period, and the same action integral around the orbit. Ellipses in the family differ in their minor axes (which are proportional to their angular momenta). Various collections of segments of an ellipse family can be constructed by distinct choices of functions for weighting the minor axes and the completeness of ellipse orbit angular segments. The 2-dimensional ?standard? segment collection, in which all minor axes are weighted equally and all ellipses are complete, is shown to have a radial position probability density that is directly proportional to the radius, out to a distance equal to the major axis as the extreme radius. The 3-D radial probability function formed from the 2-D standard collection exactly fits the Schr?dinger 1S state. A mathematical identity is derived showing how the Schr?dinger radial probability function for any hydrogen state can be represented as a superposition of family segment collection probability profiles. Transitions between families are assumed to result from impulses from the aether, a theory of which will be required to predict the segment collection probabilities.

  • The Aether as the Seat of the Quantum Uncertainly: Excitation Characteristics From Oscillator Ground State (1996) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    This article is part of a program to provide a new perspective on the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics by viewing the "spread" in particle positions and the conjugate "spread" in particle momenta as the response of the particle to an excitation from the medium which surrounds it. In this view, the medium, heretofore largely ignored or considered only passive, is now seen as active. The position probability density function of the quantum ground state of the simple harmonic oscillator is seen as a superposition of an ensemble of classical oscillator orbits that result from excitation from the aether. The aether's excitation characteristics are inferred. The probability density of orbit momentum states has the proper form to explain the quantum uncertainty.