Craig Holdrege PhD is co-founder and director of The Nature Institute in upstate New York. Much of his work has concentrated on the study of animals and plants within a larger dynamic and integrated web of life. He has written monographs and many articles, most of which can be viewed on the institute?s website. Craig?s book Genetics and the Manipulation of Life: The Forgotten Factor of Context (1996) was one of the first to emphasize the contextual nature of heredity, now a major topic of pioneering research in the biological sciences. He also has a special interest in making genetic research understandable to the general public. Since the late 1990s, Craig has worked with his Nature Institute colleague, Steve Talbott, to write numerous articles on the topic as well as the book Beyond Biotechnology: The Barren Promise of Genetic Engineering.
Dr. Craig Holdrege (About)
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