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Bob Ticer
local time: 2024-09-20 12:35 (-07:00 DST)
Bob Ticer (About)
World Science Database Profile
Cannery Worker
Interests: Cosmology, Redshift, Gravity Age: 76

Born in Childress, Texas, I was a cannery worker from 1961 to 1999. I took up writing and research to become self-educated in physics and deep thought. I authored the novel, The Hummingbirds Will Help, a booklet, Physics 101 for Shooting Pool, and plan to publish a new book, A Mystic History in Light of Physics, all available at my website Bob Ticer ? The Aspiring Writer.

I am a free thinker. I like to challenge assumptions. Why confine ourselves? I consider myself neither a liberal nor a conservative. I am an idealist inasmuch as I believe my natural abilities should be free to excel and prosper. I am a realist inasmuch as I believe we are socially interdependent on each other and that one person's freedom can be another person's restraint. We surrender our freedom of choice when we choose, as when we spend our money or marry. Let the choices we conform to be good ones, free to succeed.