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Sanjit Karmakar
local time: 2024-09-08 08:37 (-04:00 DST)
Sanjit Karmakar (About)
World Science Database Profile
Interests: Entanglement

Research Interests

Ghost Imaging with sunlight, multi-color ghost imaging, multi-photon interference, quantum optics in imaging field applications, quantum sensor, application of quantum optics in biomedical research, quantum information

Educational Information

University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, Maryland USA, Ph.D. Candidate, Applied Physics (expected graduation date: July 2011)

Honors and Awards

Outstanding Teaching Assistant of the Year Award, 2006

Professional Activities

  • Member of Optical Society of America, 2010-present
  • Member of the SPIE (Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers), 2010-present
  • Referee for Europhysics Letters

Leadership Activities

Secretary for Physics Graduate Student Association, 2009-2010

Professional Publications

  1. Two-color ghost imaging with enhanced angular resolving power, Sanjit Karmakar and Yanhua Shih, Phys. Rev. A 81, 033845 (2010).
  2. Observation of Nontrivial Correlation of Sunlight, Sanjit Karmakar, Yan-Hua Zhai, Hui Chen, and Yanhua Shih,, Phys. Rev. A (to be submitted).
  3. New Type of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm-Bell Experiment Using Chaotic Light, Hui Chen, Tao Peng, Sanjit Karmakar, and Yanhua Shih, New Journal of Physics (Submitted) (2011).
  4. Observation of Anti-correlation of Incoherent Thermal Light, Hui Chen, Tao Peng, Sanjit Karmakar, Zhenda Xie, and Yanhua Shih , Physical Review A (resubmitted)(2011).

Conference Proceedings and Presentations Proceedings

  1. Observation of nontrivial correlation and anti-correlation from pulsed chaotic-thermal light, Sanjit Karmakar, Zhenda Xie, Hui Chen, and Yanhua Shih, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7465, 746506 (2009).
  2. Observation of two-color ghost imaging, Sanjit karmakar and Yanhua Shih, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7702, 770204 (2010).
  3. Quantum Sensor Using Two-color Ghost Imaging Technology, S. Karmakar and Y. Shih, in Frontiers in Optics, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2010), paper PDPC8.

Oral Presentations

  1. Can two-photon interference of thermal light be considered as statistical correlation or anti-correlation of intensity fluctuations?, Sanjit Karmakar, Zhenda Xie, Hui Chen, and Yanhua Shih, January 5-8, PQE Conference, SnowBird, Utah, USA (2009)(Invited).
  2. Observation of nontrivial correlation and anti-correlation from pulsed chaotic-thermal light, Sanjit Karmakar, Zhenda Xie, Hui Chen, and Yanhua Shih, SPIE conference, August 4-6, San Diego, CA, USA (2009).
  3. Observation of two-color ghost imaging, Sanjit karmakar and Yanhua Shih, SPIE conference, April 5-9, Orlando, FL, USA (2010).
  4. Observation of two-color ghost imaging with enhanced resolving power , Sanjit Karmakar and Yanhua Shih, SPIE conference, August 4-6, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)(Invited).
  5. Quantum Sensor Using Two-color Ghost Imaging technology, Sanjit Karmakar and Yanhua Shih, October 24-28, FIO/LS Conference, Rochester, New York, USA (2010).
  6. The First Ghost Image from Sunlight, Sanjit Karmakar, Yan-Hua Zhai, Hui Chen, and Yanhua Shih, January 2-6, PQE Conference, SnowBird, Utah, USA (2011)(Invited).
  7. The First Ghost Image Using Sun as a Light Source , Sanjit Karmakar, Yanhua Zhai, Hui Chen, and Yanhua Shih, May 1-6,CLEO/QELS Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, USA (2011).
  8. New type of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm-Bell experiment using chaotic light, Hui Chen, Tao Peng, Sanjit Karmakar, and Yanhua Shih, SPIE conference, August 4-6, San Diego, CA, USA (2010)(Invited).
  9. Two-photon Anti-correlation and Interference with Incoherent Thermal Radiations, Hui Chen, Tao Peng, Sanjit Karmakar, Zhenda Xie, and Yanhua Shih, January 2-6, PQE Conference, SnowBird, Utah, USA (2011)(Invited).

Poster Presentations

  1. Can two-photon interference of short pulsed thermal light be considered as statistical correlation of intensity fluctuations?, Sanjit Karmakar, Zhenda Xie, Hui Chen, and Yanhua Shih, January 5-8, PQE Conference, SnowBird, Utah, USA (2009)(Invited).
  2. Can two-photon interference of short pulsed thermal light be considered as statistical anti-correlation of intensity fluctuations?, Zhenda Xie, Sanjit Karmakar, Hui Chen, and Yanhua Shih, January 5-8, PQE Conference, SnowBird, Utah, USA (2009)(Invited).