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Dr. Mario Ludovico
local time: 2024-09-20 21:54 (+01:00 )
Dr. Mario Ludovico (About)
World Science Database Profile
Architect & Regional Planner
Interests: Vacuum, Matter, Gravitation Age: 83

Mario Ludovico was born in Rome on the 12thof August 1936.

After the Scientific High School Diploma, he completed a biennium of studies in mathematics and physics at the State University of Bari (Italy), from 1954 to 1956.

Between 1956 and 1958, eighteen-month military service with the Italian Air Force.

From 1958 to 1960 he studied at the Faculty of Architecture of the State University of Florence. Subsequently, he joined the University ?La Sapienza? in Rome, where in 1970 he got the Doctorate in Architecture and Regional Planning.

Because of his never-ceasing interest in physics and in cosmology, he could also get an opportunity ? between 1962 and 1965 ? to participate in the research activities of the ?Centre Europ?en pour les Reserches sur la Gravitation? (CERG). The Centre was established in Rome by the end of Years Fifties under the High Patronage of the Italian President of the Republic, upon the initiative of a few major Italian and European scientists in a fundamental disagreement with General Relativity During that period, he published his first papers in the CERG's periodical magazine and international conferences, in which he expounded his hypothesis about gravity and gravitation. These fields of force are viewed as physical states determined by ring-vortices (described like fluid dipoles) of the undetectable continuous fluid substance (dubbed ?the plenum?) of which the Universe's physical space may consist.

For about two academic years, he was Associate Lecturer in Urban/Regional Studies at the Faculty of Architecture of ?La Sapienza? University in Rome.

After 1972, he devoted almost all of his time to his basic activity - carried out across five continents - of architect and/or regional planner. More details on his Curriculum Vitae can be seen in http://www.mario-ludovico.com.

Besides a number of specialist works, the list of his publications includes also a couple of books concerning a theory on eco-systems and a theory on the evolution of complex systems.

In 2004 he published an essay on ?Vacuum and Gravitation?. The book is now (2010) at its fifth edition with the title ?Vacuum, Vortices and Gravitation ? A Draft Philosophical Essay?, and is also readable online in the web-site mentioned above.