- Philosophy: More than the Middle of NPA (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- A Philosophy for the NPA (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- Nullification of the MMX Null Result (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- MMX Null: Voided by the Vacuum (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- Philosophy is More Than the Middle of NPA - Presentation (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- Einstein's Train Derailed! The Light Clock Smashed! (2012) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- The ALFA Model: Absolute Lab Frame and Flexible Aether (2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- ALFA Model Absolute Lab Frame and Flexible Aether (2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- The ALFA Model: Absolute Lab Frame and Flexible Aether (2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- Philosophy: More than the Middle of NPA (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
Philosophy is the basis of all sciences, the foundation of knowledge that provides ultimate answers beyond the limits of science. Although scorned and spurned by science purists(which is justified by its modern errant versions), metaphysics and logic, especially, form a common ground of agreement and the tools for truth validation, that is so obviously missing in theoretical analysis. We will propose a set of premises for NPA consideration, and then apply them to current science beliefs in order to build a catalog of common fallacies, mainly in establishment dogmas, but some that also occur in NPA member thinking. The intent is to build a solid common ground of axioms based on philosophical realism and the scientific method to forestall endless debates, effectively challenge mainstream dogma and train members on how to recognize and correct logical fallacies. We plan to form a forum thread on this topic and then archive any usable results, for the benefit of future members.
- A Philosophy for the NPA (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- Nullification of the MMX Null Result (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
- MMX Null: Voided by the Vacuum (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
Aether research peaked during the 19th century, then abruptly stopped when the Michelson-Morley experiment (MMX) failed to detect the Earth's motion through the electromagnetic aether. Desperate physicists turned to a contrived theory called relativity to resolve the impasse, by declaring aether irrelevant (at first). This was a primary cause of the chaos and confusion characterizing 20th century physics.
Vacuum testing replaced the MMX air medium, on the belief that it was sound and thermal errors that contributed to the 'null' finding. This paper will show that the vacuum choice in fact made measurements impossible - a case of 'throwing the baby out with the bath water'. A simple solution to the 'null' result issue is found by applying the concepts in the ALFA model and supported by the excellent experimental work of the Russian dissident Demjanov.
- Philosophy is More Than the Middle of NPA - Presentation (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
Philosophy is the basis of all sciences, the foundation of knowledge that provides ultimate answers beyond the limits of science. Although scorned and spurned by science purists(which is justified by its modern errant versions), metaphysics and logic, especially, form a common ground of agreement and the tools for truth validation, that is so obviously missing in theoretical analysis. We will propose a set of premises for NPA consideration, and then apply them to current science beliefs in order to build a catalog of common fallacies, mainly in establishment dogmas, but some that also occur in NPA member thinking. The intent is to build a solid common ground of axioms based on philosophical realism and the scientific method to forestall endless debates, effectively challenge mainstream dogma and train members on how to recognize and correct logical fallacies. We plan to form a forum thread on this topic and then archive any usable results, for the benefit of future members.
- Einstein's Train Derailed! The Light Clock Smashed! (2012) [Updated 1 decade ago]
ALFA theory has been tested successfully against many classic motion problems in physicsfrom Newton's Bucket to Ruyong Wang's FOC. Here we pick up the story by applying ALFA to the train gedanken experiment and then the light clock device of relativity, with the same results as before. A practical implementation of the light clock is suggested to validate claims made herein. The analysis again supports a mobile aether that can be dragged along by ambient matter motion and a laboratory frame anywhere on the ground that canand mustserve as an absolute frame, if the physics laws of motion are to be covariant. It's strange that the effect of a wind vector on sound speed is well known to be Vsound+-Vwind; yet the same effectslike Doppler shifts and time delaysare seen when Vlight+-Vaether = c+-Vaether and ignored or rejected.
- The ALFA Model: Absolute Lab Frame and Flexible Aether
(2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]
This paper challenges dissidents to escape the mainstream cage of theories imposed by fiat and adopt a science epistemology based on consistent logic and the scientific method of empirical proof by falsifiability. The Fizeau and Sagnac results will be revisited and analyzed afresh to reach two conclusions that shake the foundations of belief in cosmic architecture and composition. The Absolute Lab frame and Flexible Aether model will be shown to be consistent and supported by all experiments examined to date. This support includes tests that extend Sagnac to linear motion and mechanics, the key results of Michelson & Morley/Gale, and classic aether tests. Establishment claims that support the Earth?s rotation, revolution and translation will be subjected to logic and the scientific method. Consequences of the ALFA paradigm will be outlined.
- ALFA Model Absolute Lab Frame and Flexible Aether (2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]
Presentation of ALFA model at NPA-18 2011
- The ALFA Model: Absolute Lab Frame and Flexible Aether (2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]
Relativity's credibility can be ? and is - disposed of with one page of common sense logic. The search for an absolute system alternative then began with a retro-analysis of classic aether tests, such as Fizeau, Sagnac and Ruyong Wang, using the traditional scientific method. Interpretation of the SagnacX with absolute frame premises leads to identification of the laboratory as motionless and the EM aether as flexible and dynamic. We term this theoretical earthquake that shakes the foundations of belief in cosmic architecture and composition the Absolute Lab and Flexible Aether model. ALFA will be shown to be consistent and supported by all experiments examined to date, such as tests that extend Sagnac to linear motion and mechanics, the key results of Michelson & Morley/Gale, Newton's bucket and stellar aberration. Consequences of the ALFA paradigm will be outlined.
In a future paper, claims of MS and many NPA members that empirical tests prove the Earth's rotation, revolution and translation will be subjected to truth-testing ? with logic and the scientific method.