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Dan Romalo
local time: 2024-10-08 08:49 (+02:00 )
Dan Romalo (Abstracts)
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  • Heuristic Essay on a Hypothetical Quanta-Aether Relation (2012) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Dan Romalo   read the paper:

    The present essay extends heuristically modum ? the in paper [3] forwarded hypothesis of an all-space-filling substantial aether which could explain inertia intuitively. One approaches quantum physics by considering essentially the elementary particle's two slits interference problem as well as the problematic of a single electron orbiting a nucleus. In broad lines and at a qualitative level a somehow significant correspondence with Schr?dinger's mathematics is revealed, yet with some differences concerning the expected interference spectra aspect.?

  • Absolute Time? (2012) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Dan Romalo   read the paper:

    "Et Sembobitis, qui ?tait vieux, disait: ?L'homme est fait pour comprendre." Anatole France, Balthasar

    This work is an essay endeavoring to understand what the term ?Absolute Time? really means.

  • Digging in Search of a Universal Ether Model (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Dan Romalo   read the paper:

    In search of a more consistent significance which was, implicitly, expressed into the ether model previously suggested ? e.g. On Albert Einstein and his Relativities, Proceedings of the NPA, 13th Annual Conference of the NPA, 3-7 April 2006, Vol. 3, no.2, pp. 233-245 ? an intuitive extension towards the microscopic level is tried out. In fact it is a tentative approach to refine the field of hypotheses assumed in the above mentioned article. The approach is descriptive and aimed at framing a relational model which would associate matter and electromagnetism to the ether medium at the microcosm's level.

    In view to test, experimentally, the plausibility of the so assumed hypotheses, the working principle of a simple device is outlined, its theoretical meaning is reviewed and the potential chances the device may have to check the reality of the involved hypotheses is evaluated.

  • Questioning the Relativity of Inertia and Gravitation (2007) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Dan Romalo   read the paper:

    Assuming that the Fitzgerald-Lorentz length-contraction as well as the Lorentz slowing-down of all electromagnetically-determined clocks are real phenomena, one draws the conclusion that the relativist Fitzgerald-Lorentz invariance is proper, exclusively, to electromagnetic systems. It is a theorem that may not be extended ? with an ?a priori? absolute certainty ? to systems containing inertial and/or gravitational active elements. That limitation is a draw-back of the fact that neither inertia nor gravitation was, till now, experimentally checked on a possible Fitzgerald-Lorentz invariance. At this aim two sorts of experiences ? one determined by gravity and inertia, the second by inertia alone ? are suggested and theoretically investigated by computational modeling. Approximate quantitative results are worked out via finite difference approximation run in an Excel programs.

  • About Albert Einstein and on the Meaning of his Relativities (2006) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Dan Romalo   read the paper:

    The essay presents the author?s point of view on Albert Einstein?s complex personality and on his relativistic philosophy. Yet, the true aim of the expose is to remind us of some older but still significant problems concerning the basics of the Theory of Relativity, suggesting some alternative explanatory hypotheses. The present essay tries to:

    1. Review the reported morphologic anomalies in Albert Einstein?s brain, conjecturing if those are not explanatory for the logic laxity in his Relativist principles
    2. Analyze the fundamentals of Albert Einstein?s principles
    3. Compare Albert Einstein?s relativist philosophy with H.E. Ives? intuitive one - based on G.F. Fitzgerald, H. A. Lorentz and H. Poincare works
    4. Propose some suggestions for a more intuitively principled relativism
    5. Sketch the base-lines for a tentative model of the universe supposed born inside a bubble of ether.

    The essay leans on a demonstration delivered long ago by Ives, widely despised or neglected, and now seemingly forgotten; it is The Fitzgerald Contraction [Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, new series, 26 (1052, pp. 9-26] and on the more recent article of Horst E. Wilhelm, [Z. f. Naturforschung, 45 a, 736-748 (1990)] who demonstrates, or just confirms, that the Fitzgerald-Lorentz contraction has to be real because it is a strict consequence of the electromagnetic field theory itself. Perhaps it is not quite inadequate to try to understand the profound meaning of Ives works, and to think about it.

  • On This, Till Now, So Shy Universal Ether (2005) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Dan Romalo   read the paper:

    Hypothetically assuming that there exists a physical ether, extended in the entire existing space, and that it is continuously absorbed by dense matter in a way generating a locally well-determined flow field, some possibly observable consequences are investigated theoretically. In a first step, the consequences of that assumption on the orbital movement of Mercury are evaluated, the conclusion being that, without contradicting any known fact, it may only in a very small proportion participate as an explanation. In a second step, the bending of light-rays emitted on distant stars and passing, to reach us, near massive celestial bodies is evaluated by means of an Excel program. The figures so obtained are near enough to those deduced from astronomical observations. The program describes also the temporal evolution of the bended rays when they pass very near an occulting massive body. Suggestions are offered for some experimental - by means of a spatial telescope - astronomical observations of the phenomenon

  • Bending of a Light-Ray Passing a Black Hole (2005) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Dan Romalo   read the paper:

    Assuming the hypothesis of a law of ether absorption-speed in the vicinity of massive celestial bodies and using an elementary, intuitive, calculus procedure, the bending of a light-ray passing near a black hole is evaluated. The theoretical results so obtained are, in some aspects, stunning because they suggest that some strong astronomic anomalies may, or should be observable by adequate means. And also because some accepted cosmologic fundamentals may become questionable. The so arisen problems are just suggested without any pretense to be rigid statements.

    This paper is aka "Most Elementarily-Intuitive, Tentative Approach to Evaluate the Bending of a Light-Ray Passing a Black Hole"

  • by Dan Romalo   read the paper: