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Gennady Sokolov
local time: 2024-04-18 15:44 (-04:00 DST)
Gennady Sokolov (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Transverse Doppler Effect & Stellar Aberration (2010) [Updated 7 years ago]

    The transverse Doppler effect and Bradley?s stellar aberration both arise when the light source or the observer moves in a direction perpendicular to a line connecting them. The transverse Doppler effect is proven by the Ives-Stillwell experiment, in which the light source moves in the transverse direction. Special Relativity Theory (SRT) considers this experiment as proof of time dilation. The experiment in which the observer moves in a direction perpendicular to the light beam was never carried out, because only relative motion is considered in SRT, and it is assumed that the motion of the observer is equivalent to the motion of the light source. Stellar aberration takes place when the observer moves perpendicular to the light beam, but absent when the light source moves. The observations of binary stars prove the absence of any aberration in the case when the light source moves. This fact cannot be explained by SRT, and in fact contradicts this theory. This paper identifies a simple explanation for both phenomena, and argues that not only does stellar aberration contradict SRT, but also the transverse Doppler effect does so.

  • The Fizeau Experiment with Moving Water: a New Explanation (2007) [Updated 7 years ago]

    The 1851 interference experiment with moving water carried out by Fizeau is often cited as one of the main confirmations of special relativity theory. This article argues that Fizeau was in error when he supposed that the fringe shift in his interferometer is determined by the same expression as applies in usual interferometers. That means a different, and non-relativistic, explanation of the result is possible.