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Dr. William G. Tifft
local time: 2024-09-20 13:05 (-07:00 )
Dr. William G. Tifft (About)
World Science Database Profile
Astronomer, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy
Interests: Redshift, Time Age: 88

From Wikipedia:

Tifft's redshift quantization, as well as other intrinsic redshift theories, are rarely cited. The most widely used method of determining periodicity, the correlation function, does not detect them. The reason that Tifft's method of simple redshift periodicity detects the redshift quanta and the correlation function does not is explained by Arp as being due to the redshift quanta being due to temporal steps in redshift which therefore cannot logically be mixed with the other two space dimensions as is done in the correlation function. A large majority of the observational evidence reviewed in a 1993 cosmology textbook by Peebles suggests that redshifts are indeed related to the expansion of the universe and are not intrinsic to the galaxies themselves. Tifft's research and other astronomers? research into redshift quantization have also been criticized for their inconsistent results.[citation needed] A review of the subject shows that the claimed periodicity of redshifts has ranged from 5.76 km/s to 72.5 km/s. Some of the smaller periodicities that Tifft claimed to find are difficult to measure accurately. Moreover, the description of the quantization and the techniques for measuring it vary depending on the extragalactic objects (i.e. dwarf galaxies, spiral galaxies, superclusters) being observed.