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Dr. Roberto A. Monti
local time: 2024-09-19 09:13 (+01:00 )
Dr. Roberto A. Monti (About)
World Science Database Profile
Interests: Relativity, Cold Fusion, Biophysics

Roberto A. Monti is born in Ravenna, Italy, in 1945. Graduated in General Physics in 1969 at the University of Bologna (with a dissertation in Biophysics, concerning the ribosomes structure), he was researcher from 1969 to 1972 of the Center for Macromolecular Chemistry at the same University. From 1972 since today he is Researcher of the Institute for Technology and Studies on Extraterrestrial Radiations at the Italian National Research Council in Bologna. In 1984 he was a promoter of the Andromeda Editing Society, and scientific director of the journal Seagreen. In 1992 he was Research Associate of the Philadelphia Project at the Chemistry Department, A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA; from 1993 to 1994 Research Associate of Crystal Mountain Ltd, Washington, USA; from 1994 to 1998 of Burns Developments Ltd, Vancouver, BC, Canada. His research interests vary from Stereochemistry to Astrophysics, from Nuclear Physics (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) to Foundations of Physics (General and Special Relativity). He is a worldwide known harsh critic of Relativity (between his major works on this subject: "Theory of Relativity: A Critical Analysis", Physics Essays, 9, 2, 1996), and as such he has promoted two international Conferences dedicated to "rational Physics": Galileo Back in Italy, I and II, Bologna, 1988, 1999.

His webpage mentions the major paper where Dr. M. erects and refutes from experimental data the strawman according to which the space-time transform of SR presumes the velocity vector to be c in all systems of reference. In view of the abysmal poverty of SR logic one despairs at such 'refutations' coming from the highest academic quarters; a typical waste of critical effort, intimidating by its very learnedness. The defining equations of SR, in the symbolism customary before the adoption of vector algebra, involve the scalar norms |ct|, |ct'| only; as is evident from the figurative representation denoted by these equations, the corresponding displacement vectors differ in magnitude and, unless y, z, = 0, direction. If t, t' are scalar, it is clear that, in itself, the quantity c cannot denote a vector. The mathematical obsession with 4D obscures that a transform of this kind corresponds to a change of the unit vector, say r0 and r'0, which must therefore be rendered explicit. The derivatives, moreover, whether scalar, namely c, or vector, namely cr0 and cr'0, depend on the basis, namely t or t'. Depending on the choice of basis, one and the same quantity c refers therefore to different speeds or velocities.