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John K. Davidson
local time: 2024-04-19 20:43 (+11:00 DST)
John K. Davidson (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Earth Expansion Requires Increase in Mass (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Research in one field of scientific endeavour can re-direct another. Geological evidence for an expanding earth is now at a point that a fundamental change in physics is imminent. Mass is being created within the Earth.

    In 1915 Wegener (1966) postulated that the continents were originally a single unit, Pangaea. The scientific world incorrectly dismissed Wegener's hypothesis. In 1956 Carey (1958) rekindled continental drift using tectonic evidence. This resulted in the deep-sea drilling of the 1960's which led to the theory of "plate tectonics". That theory not only solved many problems in geology but also in several other branches of science.

    Yet "plate tectonics" has a fundamental flaw; it assumes that the rate of new oceanic crustal creation at the spreading ridges is equal to the rate of oceanic crustal disappearance, or subduction, at the oceanic trenches. An excess of creation over subdunction was postulated by Owen (1983) with his 180Ma (180 million years ago) Earth radium (R180), 80% of the present, that is R180=0.8R0. This has been termed "slow" expansion compared with the "fast" expansion of Carey (1976) who had no subduction, that is R180=0.55R0.

    This paper presents evidence for expansion at a little lass than the "fast" rate and in which the mass (and volume) of the Earth has increased at an accelerating rate while average density has fluntuated.