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Dr. Lada Vladimirovna Rudikova
local time: 2024-09-21 00:01 (+03:00 )
Dr. Lada Vladimirovna Rudikova (About)
World Science Database Profile
Professor, Physicist, Engineer
Interests: Field Theory Age: 53

professor of the sub-faculty of information and computing technology; doctor of physical-mathematical science.  Born 31.03.1967 in Alexandria Kirovogradcki region (Ukraine).

In 1989 graduated with distinction from the physics faculty of Yanka Kupala - State University of Grodno, having completed the course program for “Engineer-Physicist” with a specialization in radio-physics.  From 1994 to 1997, taking a break from industry, she studied the post-graduate course 01.01.02 – “Differential Equations” at the mathematics department of Yanka Kupala - State University of Grodno.

In September 1999 Rudikova. L.V. successfully defended her dissertation “Control, fullness and optimization of initial data for specific dynamic systems”, for which she was conferred the academic degree of doctor of physical-mathematical science (Council for the defense of dissertations 02.14.02 at Yanka Kupala  - State University of Grodno).  In March 2004 VAK of the Republic of Belarus awarded her the academic title of professor in the specialization of “Information technology, management and computer technology”.

Rudikova. L.V. has worked at the State University of Grodno since November 1997  (from 16.01.2001 – the educational institute “Yanka Kupala - State University of Grodno”).  At first working as an assistant to the sub-faculty of information and computing technology, then since December 2000 as a professor for that faculty.

From 2002 to 2004 she studied German language at the foreign languages department of the Institute of Postgraduate Education – “Yanka Kupala”.

Main areas of research: theory of management, design and development of databases and information systems, processing of information and field theory.

Rudikova. L.V. has more than 100 printed works including 53 scientific works (23 articles in scientific journals and collected works), 32 methodological works, 16 study books and textbooks (6 published by the Russian publisher “BHV-Petersburg”), 1 study book (Rudikova. L.V. Design of Databaess: study book for students of higher educational establishments with specialization “Software for information technology”, “Economical cybernetics”, “Applied mathematics [scientific-pedagogical activity]”, “Information systems and technology [in economics]” / Rudikova. L.V. – Minsk : IVT Minfina, 2009. – 352 p.) with the seal of the Ministry of Education for the Republic of Belarus.

For more than 15 years Rudikova. L.V. has worked on the problem of fundamental interactions and respective aspects of field theory with her brother (Rudikov, Evgenie Vladimirovich).  It is only in recent years that they have obtained specific results in that field.  Their results have been presented at four conferences: “Modern information technology” (Grodno, Belarus, 21 – 24 April 2008); International Congress-2008 “Fundamental Problems of Natural Sciences and Engineering” (August, 4 - 9, 2008, Saint-Petersburg, Russia); International Conference “10th Belarussian mathematical conference” (3 – 7 November 2008, Minsk); International mathematical conference “Recent problems of analysis”: (Grodno, 7 – 10 April. 2009). 

Publications on this topic:


  1. Minyk S.А., Lomakina (Rudikova) L.V. Towards a theory of control and completeness of single-parameter discrete systems. – AN Belarus.— Minsk, 1997.— 14 p.— archive in VINITI 07.05.97.— № 1499-В97 // News АN Belarus. Physic. Math. Science series 1997.— № 3.— P. 137 (14 p.).
  2. Minyk S.А., Lomakina (Rudikova) L.V. Point-wise degenerating systems with a deviating argument / Differential equations.— 1997.— V. 33, № 11.— P. 1507-1515.
  3. Lomakina (Rudikova) L.V. Towards a theory for the optimization of initial data for discrete systems / AN Belarus.— Minsk, 1998.— 15 p.— archive in VINITI 25.02.98.— № 578-В98 // News АN Belarus. Physic. Tech. Science series 1998.— № 3.— P. 136 (15 p.).
  4. Rudikova L.V. Towards a theory for the optimization of initial data for single-parameter discrete systems / Analytical methods of analysis of differential equations. Works of the institute of mathematics NAN Belarus. – Minsk, 2000.— V. 6.— P. 125-127.
  5. Rudikova L.V. Towards a theory of control and completeness of non-stationary single-parameter discrete systems / Yanka Kupala - State University of Grodno Herald. Series 2. Natural Sciences. – 2000.— № 2(4).— P. 16-22.
  6. Rudikova L.V. Towards a theory of control and completeness of stationary single-parameter discrete systems in the absence of restrictions on initial conditions / Yanka Kupala - State University of Grodno Herald. Series 2. Natural Sciences. – 2002.— № 1.— P. 7-14.
  7. Rudikova L.V., Volkovich А.N. The problem of differentials in computer testing / Belarussian Engineer Academy News. – 2004. – № 1(17)/2. – P. 196-197.
  8. Rudikova L.V., Volkovich А.N. The complex system accompanying the study process / Belarussian Engineer Academy News. – 2005. – № 1(19)/2. – P. 128-130.
  9. Rudikova L.V., Shak D.V. The use of web-services for the organization of Internet-sales / Belarussian Engineer Academy News. – 2005. – № 1(19)/2. – P. 190-193.
  10. Rudikova L.V. Methodology for the design of systems for processing data / Engineering Herald. – 2006. – 1(21)/2 – pages. 21-24.
  11. Rudikov E.V., Rudikova L.V. Modeling electromagnetic interactions in space   / Modern informational computing technology: collected scientific works V 2 ch. Ch.2/ Yanka Kupala; editorial board. : E.A.Povba, A.M.Kadan (chief ed.) [et al.]. — Grodno: GSU, 2008. — P. 254-258.
  12. Rudikov E.V., Rudikova L.V. The symmetrical for of Maxwell equations for increased dimensionality of space-time / 10th Belarussian math. conf..: thesis lecture. Int. scientific conf. Minsk, 3 –7 Nov. 2008 г. — Part 4. –Minsk.: Institute of mathematics NAN Belarus 2008.— P. 87-88.