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George B. Trinkaus
local time: 2024-09-18 23:52 (-07:00 DST)
George B. Trinkaus (About)
World Science Database Profile
Author, Independent Researcher
Interests: Tesla

George Belden Trinkaus (tring' kis), writer, publisher. Born (1936) Pittsburgh. In his youth, a basement electrical experimenter and a novice-class ham. Formally educated at Mercersberg Academy, at Colgate University, (BA, 1959), and at New York University (where his pursuit of an MA yielded to a "grand tour" of Europe). In New York he was a free-lance medical writer, and writer for the Encyclopedia Americana (where he wrote short entries in a telegraphic style honored here). Held various staff editorial and administrative posts at Holt, Rinehart & Winston, at Harcourt Brace, at Random House, and at Macmillan. Editorial areas included electronics, industrial technology, linguistics, lexicography. Macmillan transferred him to California (1971), and he remains on the West Coast.

He is the author (as George Belden) of an early consumerist book, Tactics of the Bill Collector and How to Fight Back (Grosset & Dunlap, 1974). The book was attacked by the Massachusetts Bar, reviewed as a social phenomenon by The New Republic, and as news by UPI; also it was grist for the radio-TV media mill, was serialized in Family Circle, and was a mass paperback from Ace. He was a book-review writer for The L.A. Free Press and the book-review editor at The Hollywood Daily News. He was a founder and director of Bookswest, the L.A. Book Fair, and editor and publisher of BooksWest Magazine, an alternative magazine of the book industry, in which he published many leading writers of the time and for which he wrote "The Title Glut," on overproduction and market control in the book industry, which was nominated for article of the year 1978 by the American Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee. Moved from L.A. to Ojai, California (1980). Arrested four times in civil disobedience actions on nuclear and war issues, defendant in the "Pt. Mugu 12" trial, a media spokes to the world press at the Diablo Canyon nuke blockade of 1981. He was a community spokes for the Ojai resistance to the USA Petrochem refinery expansion and the community rep on the Ventura County EIR committee on this issue (which was ultimately resolved by the shut-down of the refinery). Campaign manager for candidate for Ojai City Council. Many public speeches and radio interviews as a spokes for all the above projects.

In mid-1980's Trinkaus came upon a collection of Nikola Tesla's U.S. patents which someone had xeroxed at the National Archives. This prompted his study of Tesla's electric technology. Rediscovered long-neglected scientific passions, set up an electrical lab, and, over the years 1986-2000, researched, wrote, and published Tesla the Lost Inventions, Tesla Coil, Son of Tesla Coil, and Radio Tesla. Also edited Tesla's The True Wireless and the U.S. Navy's Magnetic Amplifiers. All are in print from his High Voltage Press (www.teslapress.com) and are being published in e-book by Wheelock Mountain Press (www.tesla-ebooks.com). In Oregon since 1989, he was a founder of the Portland Tesla Technology Roundtable. A skeptical fascination with the workings of modern media prompted his writing and publishing, under the imprint Counter-Propaganda Press, the documentary critiques called How the Chronicle Invented AIDS (www.whatisaids.com) and NBC Spins 911.

"Trinkaus was the editor of a series of electronics books for the schools for a major New York publisher. But now he confesses that he never really understood how electricity works until he studied Tesla. He is the author of a series of Tesla titles published by High Voltage Press." - Amazon

"The series by George Trinkaus is the only systematic treatment of Tesla Technology for the electrical nonexpert I have found. All of the booklets are written in clear English, well illustrated, and use a minimum of math. Easy to understand, I have personally seen one novice build a Tesla Coil using the Tesla Coil booklet... and junk parts! I give it THUMBS UP!" - Steve Elswick

High Voltage Press
PO Box 1525, Portland, OR 97207 USA