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Dr. Georg Galeczki
local time: 2024-09-18 05:33 (+01:00 )
Dr. Georg Galeczki (About)
World Science Database Profile
(Died: April 20, 2016)
Interests: Special Relativity Age: 70

Born in Lugoj, Romania, Georg Galeczki received a Licence in Physics from Bucharest University in 1968, M.Sc. (1975) and D.Sc. (1979) degrees from The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology - in Haifa (Israel), for works in the field of ordered magnetism.  In 1979 he received the Michael Landau for his research beyond his work toward a degree. After lecturing three semesters at the Technion, he moved to the governmental research center RAFAEL, where he did (mostly classified) work on HgCdTe-infrared detectors. After cumulating two sabbatical years, he left Israel, responding to an invitation from the University of Cologne (Germany). There he did research on heterodyne HgCdTe-infrared detectors for astrophysical applications and continued, in parallel, his critical work on fundamental physics started in 1978 under the influence of Nathan Rosen ("the EPR one") and Marinov's successful experiment to measure the absolute velocity of the Earth.

He published about 50 papers on magnetism, narrow-bandgap semiconductor physics, nanoscopy, and about an equal number of papers criticizing "special" and general relativities, Copenhagen quantum mechanics, and Big Bang theory. He is the co-author (with Peter Marquardt) of REQUIEM TO SPECIAL RELATIVITY (in German, published by Haag + Herchen, Frankfurt/Main, 1997) and organizer (with P. Marquardt and J. P. Wesley) of three (1997, 2000, 2002)International Workshops: PHYSICS AS A SCIENCE. He is presently an independent science consultant, science writer, president of the Society for the Advancement of Physics, R.S. and member of the Natural Philosophy Alliance.


  • "About Inertial frames of Reference, Velocities and Velocity-dependent Masses" (Proceedings of the International Conference ?Foundations of Mathematics and Physics?, Perugia 1989, Eds. U.Bartocci and P.Wesley), p.93.
  • "Why is Relativity Interesting?", Physics Essays, 6 (1993) 221.
  • "The Limit Speed and Weber?s Potential", Physics Essays, 6 (1993) 86.
  • "Uniform Time, Velocity and Special Relativity", Physics Essays, 8 (1995) 22.
  • "Can Quantum Mechanics Survive without Special Relativity?", Physics Essays, 7 (1994) 83.
  • "Will Quantum Mechanics Survive without Special Relativity?", Spec.Sci.Technol. July 1994.
  • "The Aarau Question and the de Broglie Wave", Apeiron, Febr. 1995.
  • "The Incompatibility between Lorentz Transformations and the Inertial Frame of Reference" Chinese J. Syst. Eng. & Electronics, 4 (1993) 77-80.
  • "Physical Laws and the Theory of Special Relativity", Apeiron, Oct. 1994.
  • "The Uncertainty Principle Revisited", Apeiron, Oct. 1994 (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "Action and Quantum Mechanics", Apeiron, Febr. 1995 (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "Some Remarks Concerning the Wave Equation" (Physics Essays, 8 (1995)189) (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "From Lorentz to Einstein and than Back to Newton" (Physics Essays, 8 (1995) 591).
  • "Inertia Principle and Transformation Laws: addenda to Preziosi?s article" (Il Nuovo Cimento, 111 B (1996) 655) (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "In Memoriam Nathan Rosen" (Apeiron, 3 (1996) 51).
  • "Seventieth Birthday of a Non-Effect: Thomas Precession" (Apeiron, 3 (1996) 120.
  • "Farewell Minkowski Space" (Apeiron, 3 (1998) 121 (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "A Non-Expanding, Non-Relativistic Universe" (Apeiron, 3 (1996) 108 (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "?ber die longitudinalen Amp?reschen Kr?fte und Webers Elektrodynamik" (Fusion, 16 (1995) 15 ) (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "The Turn of the Tide: Recent Neo-Newtonian Physics in Europe" (Flagstaff SWARM / AAAS Meeting, June 1996) (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "About the Local Tapping of Energy" (Proc. Of the Int. Conference ?New Ideas in Natural Sciences?, St-Petersburg, Russia, June 17-22, 1996 (A.Smirnov et al. Organizers) p.299 (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "What does the Lorentz Force have to do with Special Relativity?" (Galilean Electrodynamics, 8 (1997) 1 ).
  • "Free Trade between Mass and Energy?" (Apeiron, 4 (1997) 82) (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "What does the Lorentz Force have to do with Maxwell?s Equations?", (Galilean Electrodynamics, 9 (1998) 95.
  • "Order and Coherence: A Question of Size for Matter and Radiation" (Physics Essays,, 10 (1997) 506) (with Peter Marquardt).
  • Requiem f?r die Spezielle Relativit?t, (Haag + Herchen, GmbH, Frankfurt/Main, 1997, ISBN 3-86137-484-6) (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "Clock Rates" (Apeiron, 4 (1997) 127).
  • "Laying the Ghost of Relativistic Thermodynamics" (Proc. Of the Cologne Workshop ?Physics As a Science", Aug. 1997, Eds. G.Galeczki, P.Marquardt and P.Wesley) (with Peter Marquardt & J. Paul Wesley).
  • "The Incompatibility between Special Relativity and Particle Dynamics" (Apeiron, 4 (1997) 122) (with Peter Marquardt).
  • "Space is 3-Dimensional" (Apeiron, 6, Nr.1-2 (1999) 111 ).
  • "Physical Laws in Extended Systems" (in: "Instantaneous Action at a Distance: Pros and Contra", Eds. A. Chubykalo and R. Smirnov-Rueda, in the series "Contemporary Physics", Nova Science. Books and Journals, 1999) ISBN 1-56072-698.
  • "On the Role of Space and Time in Relativity Theory" (Apeiron, 5, Nr. 1-2 (1998) 133).
  • "Pure Relativity" (Apeiron, 6, Nr. 1-2 (1999) 141).
  • "Dynamic Gamma Factor: Yes; Lorentz Transformation: No" (Proceedings of the Natural Philosophical Alliance, Meeting of the SWRM Division of the AAAS, Santa Fe, NM, 11-15 April, 1999).
  • "Two-Way Averaging in "Special" Relativity: Why?" (Proceedings of the International Conference: "Galileo Back IN ITALY II", 26-28 May, 1999, Bologna, pp.352-359).
  • "Do Black Holes Exist?" (Apeiron, 7, Nr.1 - 2 (2000) 127).
  • "Minkowski Invariant Incompatible with any Equation of Motion", Journal of New Energy, Fall 2001 (Proc. Of the 2nd Int. Workshop: Physics as a Science, Galeczki, Marquardt, Wesley Eds.).
  • "Special Relativity's Heel of Achilles: The Units of Measurement", Journal of New Energy, Fall 2001 (Proc. Of the 2nd Int. Workshop: Physics as a Science, Galeczki, Marquardt, Wesley, Editors).
  • "Lagrange vs. Euler and Einstein" (Special issue of Journal of New Energy, winter 2002).
  • "Physics and the Principle of Mach" (Proc. of the Kharagpur Conference on Mach's Principle, and Inertia", Org. Amithaba Gosh, Apeiron Press 2002).
  • "Short Essay on Closed Sytems, Hierarch and Radiation" (Proc. of the Swansea Workshop, 2001, to be published as a Nova Science Publ. Book in 2002).
  • "Physics and the True Continuum" (Proc. of the PIRT 8 Conference, Imperial College, Org. Michael Duffy, Sept.2002).