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Hal Fox
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Hal Fox (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Technology for the Reduction of Atmospheric Pollution (2005) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Much of the atmospheric pollution (CO2 and nitrous oxides) results from the burning of fossil fuels. The world?s worst case of atmos-pheric pollution is from the United States due to the millions of automobiles and trucks burning gasoline and diesel fuel. Some at-tempt is being made to reduce atmospheric pollution by the use of hybrid vehicles using small engines to charge batteries. This ap-proach is being highly favored by many buyers. A better approach is to use the vast energy of space to provide electrical energy for the operation of a variety of types of vehicles from lawn mowers to highway trucks. Efforts to measure the available energy from space is presented with citations of some of the patents that have issued (e.g. U.S. Patent 5,018,180). Laboratory work for the development of devices and systems for tapping into the vast energy of space is presented with operational data. The problems of commercializing this type of new-energy sources are presented. Part of the problem lies in lack of understanding of the magnitude of space energy. (Example: there is enough energy in a one-liter volume to boil the Atlantic Ocean, if the energy could be converted to thermal energy.) The long-term advantages and expectations of the use of this new-energy technology are discussed. References and Laboratory data are presented. It is important to realize that this type of new-energy technology (together with similar technologies) is expected to result in a trillion-dollar-per-year business within the next ten years. The fossil fuels should be reserved to use as chemical feedstocks.

  • Editorial Comments (of NPA Conference #10 Proceedings) (2003) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Hal Fox, Cynthia Kolb Whitney   read the paper:

    Technical journal for new energy technologies

  • Space Energy in the 21st Century (2001) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • A Review Of High-Density Charge Clusters (2001) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    The greatest scientific discovery of the 20th Century is the multiple, independent discovery of high-density electron charge clusters (HDCC) and their uses. The HDCC technology has been independently discovered and advanced by Shoulders and Gleeson in the U.S.; by Alexander Llyanok in Belarus; by Mesyats and Baraboshkin in Ekaterinburg, Russia; and apparently by Oleg V. Gritskevitch in Vladivostok, Russia. Charge clusters are developed in low pressure gases, in the atmosphere, and in liquids under special conditions. The progress of HDCC is reviewed, the sources cited, and the future projected.

    This paper aka "A Summary of The Latest Developments Of High-Density, Charge-Cluster Technology".

  • New Energy Devices That Will Change The World (2001) [Updated 7 years ago]

    After twelve years of searching the world for new-energy devices that have a strong commercial potential, four have been identified. Four new-energy devices will be discussed. These four are:

    1. High-density charge cluster technology which was first discovered by Kenneth Shoulders (USA) and later found by three other independent scientists.
    2. Dr. Randell Mills discovery of collapsing the hydrogen atom below its ground state.
    3. The Koldamasov device from Russia that vibrates a mix of light and heavy water through a special dielectric material to produce more thermal energy than used to power the oscillator.
    4. A solid state (magnetic and inductive) device by Tom Bearden, et al., that is reported to produce five times as much energy out as input energy.

    The source of the excess energy is cited as being from zero-point energy for items I and 4. Item 2 is chemical energy by definition and item 3 is reported to be from benign nuclear reactions.

  • Perspectives of Torsion Technologies (2001) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    A review of the torsion fields' possibilities of application for their interactions on vacuum energetic apparati, similar to Shoulders. Discussion of the effect of the torsion fields' interactions on metal's melting point for two purposes - improving the metal's properties and the interaction on the process of the crystallization. Overview of some possibilities of torsion fields' uses for correction of defectives of immune system and disease's treatment.

  • The Commercialization of New-Energy Devices (2000) [Updated 7 years ago]

  • 21st Century Physics and Zero-Point Energy (2000) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    The concept of zero-point energy is derivable from the Schrodinger Equations. There are devices that use this energy source to produce more output energy than input energy. Some of these devices are cited. One of the major 21st Century developments will be the early commercialization of a few new-energy devices and systems. One of the most promising is the use of highdensity charge clusters to provide both thermal and electrical energy. Several products are cited that will be readied for market in 2000 and 2001.

  • An Introduction to Myron Evans' B(3) Theory (2000) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Measuring Superluminal Velocity (1999) [Updated 7 years ago]

    Although 66 extragalactic sources are listed where superluminal velocities appear to range from greater than c to 26 times c. such distant observations lack laboratory experimental evidence. A possible low cost experiment is proposed to measure superluminaJ velocities resulting from explosions. It is hypothesized that explosions can produce torsion field changes that can be detected with the Hodowanek-Ramsay gravity fluctuation instrument. The measurement would be the time interval between the measure of the torsion field pulse and a high frequency radio pulse. The paper cites Russian papers on superluminal velocities of torsion field fluctuations and discusses the possible impact on Einstein's second postulate.

  • High-Density Charge Cluster Collective Ion Accelerator (1999) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Nuclear-Augmented Combustion (1998) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Eugene Mallove, Hal Fox   read the paper:

    Courtesy of Gene Mallove & Infinite Energy

    By Hal Fox, Editor, and S-X Jin, Chief Scientist, Trenergy Inc.

    Crystal Energy, Inc. of Stamford, Connecticut, is the licensee of U.S. Patent 4,668,247, issued May 26, 1987. The basic patent covers the use of selected materials that, when added to fuel in a combustion chamber, can augment the energy of the fuel being burned by adding nuclear reactions. Lithium seems to be the basic element that is needed for these nuclear reactions.

  • Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions: Experimental Results and Theoretical Problems (1998) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • New-Energy Anomalies (1998) [Updated 7 years ago]

  • Gravity Waves & Torsion Fields: Faster Than Light? (1998) [Updated 7 years ago]

  • Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and High-Density Charge Clusters (1998) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Read at the American Nuclear Society meeting, Nashville (June 1998).

  • The Superluminal Velocity of Gravity Waves (1998) [Updated 7 years ago]

    Manufacturers of equipment to measure gravity, average the short-term fluctuations to obtain an acceptable result. Ramsay's study of these short-term fluctuations, or gravity waves, is accomplished by instrumentation based en a suggestion by Michael Faraday. The experimental evidence is that gravity waves are affected by the sun's position; by ether celestial bodies; and possibly by artificial means. Experimental evidence suggests that the speed of gravity waves are many times the speed of light. Several Russian groups have reported on experiments with torsion fields and claim that the speed of torsion fields is several orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light. These claims are explored in the paper. A demonstration of gravity wave detection equipment will be provided as a part of the presentation. The impact of this experimental discovery on the special theory of relativity will be presented.

  • Metanalysis of Research and Development in Cold Fusion (1998) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Stable Electron Clusters: A New Window on the Physical Universe (1997) [Updated 7 years ago]

    Kenneth Shoulders discovered that high-density electron charge clusters could be produced in low-pressure gases. Rod Neal and Stan Gleeson discovered that charge clusters could be produced and used too cause nuclear reactions i n an aqueous environment. Shang Xian Jin provided a mathematical model of these highly-dynamic toroid structures. Fox, Jin, and Bass provided an invention in which charge clusters can be used for radioactive amelioration: production of thermal energy; creating scarce elements from plentiful elements; and making table-top particle accelerators. The nature of a charge cluster is described. Methods for producing charge clusters under water are discussed. The experimental date from independent replication is provided. A discussion of how this new technology may be utilized to improve our understanding of the physics of nature with specific methods by which the energy of the aether can be transformed into useful energy is presented.

  • Charge Cluster Transmutation (1997) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Four New Discoveries Best Explained by an Energetic Ether (1996) [Updated 7 years ago]

  • Cold Fusion (1996) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Characteristics of High-Density Charge Clusters: A Theoretical Model (1996) [Updated 7 years ago]

    A mathematical model of charged clusters (Shoulders' EV's) is presented that shows the stability is due to a helical vortex ring possessing an extraordinary poloidal circulation. In this nonrelativistic calculation, the poloidal filament would have to be thin. A spherical electron cluster is unstable and would ten dot form into a toroid by a force balance relationship. The calculation shows that the energy density of the poloidal filament in a charge cluster is a hundred times higher than in a supernova explosion.

  • Plasma-Injected Transmutation (1996) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Classical calculation showing that nuclear charge clusters can be produced at low energy anbd yet gain sufficient acceleration for their contained protons to penetrate the Coulomb barrier and transmute lattice nuclei.

  • Cold Nuclear Fusion, Space Energy Devices, and Commercialization (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Comets and NEN Plans for Dinosaur Thinking (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Let's Declare War! (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Space Energy - Peer Reviewed (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • The Denver Report (1994) [Updated 7 years ago]

    Report on the International Symposium for New Energy

  • First Patent Issued (1994) [Updated 7 years ago]

  • Scientists of the Year (1992) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • Cold Fusion Successes: Achievements and Primary Sources (1990) [Updated 1 decade ago]