CNPS 2018 International Conference
Dates: 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-30 US/Eastern (6 years 6 months ago)
Where: Storrs, United States Venue: Nathan Hale Inn
Found: 23
- Some E=mc^2 History before Einstein and Related Matters (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Models giving the Xi Double-charm Baryon and Higgs Masses (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Dark Matter vs. G (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Aether to Matter to Aether (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Cosmic Expansion vs. Galactic Density (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Gravitational Cosmic Redshift with Variable Light Speed (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Is Molecular Hydrogen H_2 the 'Dark Matter' that Explains the Galactic Rotation Anomaly? (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- A Distant View of Physics 2.0 (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Extending Coulumbs's Law For Radtion And Gravation (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Physics ZMV; The Basis of New Physics (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Illusions and Reality in Physics (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Relativity Emerging from Microscopic Particle Behaviour and Time Rationing (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- How Protons are Attached with Neutrons (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- The Currency of Thought (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- The Ionic Growing Sun Five Elements = 99.57% of Mass (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Experiment with Which an Aether Wind is Detected (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- The Golden Section in Physics (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- The Disingenuous Phrase "Aether was Abandoned" (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Aether, the Mother of All Forces in Nature - Gravitation (Paper I of IV) (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Aether, the Mother of All Forces in Nature - Electromagnetism (Paper II of IV) (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Aether, the Mother of All Forces in Nature - Nuclear Forces (Paper III of IV) (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]
- Aether, the Mother of All Forces in Nature - Cerainty and Possibility (Paper IV of IV) (2018) [Updated 6 years ago]