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Franklin Hu
CNPS Saturday Morning Science Discussion

Date: 2017-10-07 Time: 10:00 - 12:00 US/Eastern (7 years 11 days ago)
America/Los Angeles: 2017-10-07 07:00 (DST)
America/New York: 2017-10-07 10:00 (DST)
America/Sao Paulo: 2017-10-07 11:00
Europe/London: 2017-10-07 14:00
Asia/Colombo: 2017-10-07 19:30
Australia/Sydney: 2017-10-08 01:00 (DST)

Where: Online Video Conference
Recording Playback
This video conference used Fuzemeeting.
The meeting can be replayed by clicking this link:


Franklin Hu will be leading the CNPS Saturday Morning Video Chats. If you have a topic you wish to discuss, send us an email at franklinhu@yahoo.com

Seriously, if you want to talk about your theory, we're all ears!!!

“If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it”

As Albert Einstein once said, "Don't believe every quote you read on the internet, because I totally didn't say that."

"The speed of light is constant in all frames of reference"
-Totally not Einstein

The link for the conference is: http://fuze.me/35868861

If you have difficulty with the link, manually goto fuze.com and click on Join Meeting. Enter the numbers at the end of the link.

Telephone: +12014794595

Subject: CNPS Saturday Morning Science Discussion
Start Time: 10:00 AM EST - 7:00AM PST
End Time: 12:00 PM EST - 9:00AM PST