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Francis Viren Fernandes

Date: 2014-06-07 Time: 07:00 - 09:00 US/Pacific (1 decade 5 months ago)
America/Los Angeles: 2014-06-07 07:00 (DST)
America/New York: 2014-06-07 10:00 (DST)
America/Sao Paulo: 2014-06-07 11:00
Europe/London: 2014-06-07 14:00
Asia/Colombo: 2014-06-07 19:30
Australia/Sydney: 2014-06-08 01:00 (DST)

Where: Online Video Conference
Recording Playback
This video conference used Fuzemeeting.
The meeting can be replayed by clicking this link:


Entropy is the energy required to raise the energy of one mole of substance from zero to 298.15 K. I would redefine entropy as the energy input to slow down speed of a photon from light speed c to velocity v to raise the energy of one mole of substance from zero to 298.15 K. How did I experimentally solve entropy? The prerequisite solution to velocity squared and hence the unity between gravity and EM led me to this very straight-forward answer. The entropy for a hydrogen atom will be explained with experimental data in a few slides.