Foundations of Mathematics & Physics in the 20th Century: The Rejection of Intuition
Date: 1989-01-01 Time: 00:00 9.9 (3 decades 6 years ago)
Where: Perugia, Italy Venue:
This book presents 26 papers concerning important fundamental questions in mathematics and physics. Is a line a continuum or a dense set of points? Is space empty or does it contain an ether? Is the ether a sea of virtual particles or a gravitational field? Does quantum theory say nature is actually unpredictable? Can alternative logics resolve paradoxes in physics? Are the space-time ideas of relativity tenable? Can absolute velocities be measured? Can conservation of energy be violated? Why are gravitational and inertial masses equal? Does mass really change with velocity? The authors do not agree with each other. Some accept relativity, while others say it is wrong. The observed force between suspended antennas and the results of many other experiments contradict Maxwell theory and special relativity and are predicted by classical Weber electrodynamics. Some claim quantum behavior is intrinsically unpredictable; while others claim microphysical reality and suggest crucial experiments to prove their point. There is a claim to having observed cold nuclear fusion in a spark discharge. There is a claim to having violated the conservation of momentum and energy experimentally. The Weber potential (so successful in electrodynamics) when applied to gravitation predicts the mass-times-acceleration force as an induction force due to the far mass in the universe, verifying Mach?s principle and proving the identity of gravitational and inertial mass. A unipolar device is described that is supposed to extract energy from space. The Weber potential also predicts the result of the Kaufmann-Bucherer experiments; so mass may not, in fact, vary with velocity. This book presents some new important concrete results. It may not provide the reader with the particular answers he seeks; but many of the important fundamental questions are presented; and it provides a gold mine of references to facilitate the search for further answers.
- Giuseppe Antoni, Special Relativity as an Evolution of Classical Physics 1
- Prof. Andre K. T. Assis, Modern Experiments Related to Weber's Electrodynamics 8
- Giovanni Boniolo, E?tv?s Experiment, General Relativity and the Problems of Incommensurability 23
- Giuseppe Cannata, Mechanical Image of Electromagnetism 33
- Giuseppe Cannata, The Need for a Probabilistic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: Cause and Results 53
- Prof. Jorge C. Cur?, On the Identity of Einstein's Cosmic Ether 61
- Francesco de Stefano, About a Gedankenexperiment to Test the Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 82
- Dr. Georg Galeczki, About Inertial Frames of Reference, Velocities and Velocity-Dependent Masses 93
- Enrico Giannetto, La Logica Quantistica tra Fondamenti della Matematica e Fondimenti della Fisica 107
- Dr. Peter Graneau, Has the Mystery of Inertia Been Solved? 129
- Prof. Ludwig Kostro, Albert Einstein and the Ether 137
- Dr. Stefan Marinov, Violation of the Laws of Conservation of Angular Momentum and Energy 163
- Lorenzo Mencherini, On the Concept of Integrality in the Theory of Special Relativity 179
- Dr. Theodore D. Mitsopoulos, Disproof of Specila Relativity and Restoration of Classical Physics 183
- Panos T. Pappas, Non-Relativistic Forms of Antenna 203
- Erasmo Recami & Vilson Tonin-Zanchin, Fifth Force, Sixth Force, and All That: A Theoretical (Classical) Comment 215
- Dr. Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. & Q. A. G. de Souza, The Status of the Principle of Relativity 221
- Torgny Sj?din, Real and Apparent Effects in Special Relativity 230
- di Francesco Speranza, La Riduzione di una Disciplina a un'Altra: una Strategia Generale? 237
- Omero Speri & Pietro Zorzi, Nuclear Fusion from Hydrogen and Its Isotopes in an Electric Discharge 248
- Paramahamsa Tewari, Physics and Technology of the Phenomenon of Space Power Generation 253
- Dr. Theodore D. Mitsopoulos, Diurnal Terrestial Aberration of Light 261
- Tito Tonietta, Continuum's Continuous Conflict 271
- Dr. Paul Wesley, Evidence for Weber-Wesley Electrodynamics 289
- Antonino Drago, The Two Options Generating Incommensurability Among Scientific Theories 344
- Dr. Franco Selleri, On the Possibility of a Rationalistic Approach to Microphysics 357