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Glen A. Robertson
A Generalized Framework for Expressing Classical and Non-Classical Propulsion Physics

Date: 2014-03-22 Time: 07:00 - 09:00 9.9 (1 decade 7 months ago)
America/Los Angeles: 2014-03-22 00:00 (DST)
America/New York: 2014-03-22 03:00 (DST)
America/Sao Paulo: 2014-03-22 04:00
Europe/London: 2014-03-22 07:00
Asia/Colombo: 2014-03-22 12:30
Australia/Sydney: 2014-03-22 18:00 (DST)

Where: Online Video Conference
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In order to develop new theories of propulsion for future spaceflight, a generalized framework for expressing classical and non-classical propulsion physics in engineering terminology is required. One such framework is the Density Field Model (DFM). Although still immature, the DFM was derived by the author over a number of years in an attempt to provide a more engineering model for the understanding of non-classical propulsion concepts. The DFM provides a new methodology that propulsion is actually a field-force against the environment, where the environment is composed not only of gravitational fields, but also of density fields. These density fields differ from the standard density distribution of mass within a volume as they also include the motion of the mass within the mass density distribution. Since a density field includes the mass motion within it, any energy source that can create a force whether old (like gravitational, thermo, electrical, magnetic, etc.) or new (like zero point, dark, etc.) can be mapped to a density field.

Whereby, acceleratory forces on an object arise from the changes between the changes in the internal and external density field of an object; provided by the energy source(s) internal and external to the object. The DFM is a variation on Chameleon Cosmology, a density field model that arises from the concept that a large object has an internal and external field density to allow for variation in the gravitational field-force on static or motionless nearby small objects, mediated by a thin-shell between the internal and external field density. However, in Chameleon Cosmology changes in the gravitational field-force only occur with an object?s position in the local external density field. In the DFM, these density fields are modified to allow density changes from the motion of mass inside and outside an object to include mass crossing the thin-shell (as has been shown to occur in classical propulsion). This simple notion changes Chameleon Cosmology from a static addition to the gravitational model to an acceleratory model, which can then be applied to both classical and non-classical propulsion model. From a non-classical viewpoint, illustration of the DFM on spacecraft travelling near the speed of light suggest a natural extension of Hawking and Unruh radiation, where virtual electron-positron pairs from the vacuum are absorbed forward of a spaceship to emerge aft of the spaceship as real particles, paralleling propellant mass ejection in conventional rocket theory.