View count: 1
The recently celebrated discovery of the Higgs boson has captivated the public's imagination with the promise that it can explain the origins of everything in the universe. It's no wonder that the media refers to it grandly as the "God particle." Yet behind closed doors, physicists are admitting that there is much more to this story, and even years of gunning the Large Hadron Collider and herculean number crunching may still not lead to a deep understanding of the laws of nature. In this fascinating and eye-opening account, theoretical physicist Alexander Unzicker and science writer Sheilla Jones offer a polemic. They question whether the large-scale, multinational enterprises actually lead us to the promised land of understanding the universe. The two scientists take us on a tour of contemporary physics and show how a series of highly publicized theories met a dead end. Unzicker and Jones systematically unpack the recent hot theories such as "parallel universes," "string theory," and "inflationary cosmology," and provide an accessible explanation of each. They argue that physics has abandoned its evidence-based roots and shifted to untestable mathematical theories, and they issue a clarion call for the science to return to its experimental foundation.
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Pages: 49
Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-3-330-34966-7
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This article is about the enigmatic situation in modern physics. An alternative to the special theory of relativity is presented, and it is demonstrated that we do not need the concept dilation of time, and also that the reason to existing confusion is due to misunderstandings of stellar aberration and of the experiments done by Michelson and Morley. It is also demonstrated that bound electrons generate POTENTIAL force that becomes real when a second electron is introduced, which demands energy from the ether. This explains why bound electrons do not loose energy, and explains also why 2 light waves in opposite phase can produce zero light.
Pages: 324
Publisher: Progressive Science Institute, Berkeley, CA
Year: 2017
Infinite Universe Theory presents the ultimate alternative to the Big Bang Theory and the common assumption that the universe had an origin. Author Glenn Borchardt starts with photos of the “elderly” galaxies at the observational edge of the universe. These contradict the current belief that the universe should have increasingly younger objects as we view greater distances. He restates the fundamental assumptions that must underlie the new paradigm. Notably, by assuming infinity he is able to adapt classical mechanics to “neomechanics” and its insistence that phenomena are strictly the result of matter in motion. He shows in detail how misinterpretations of relativity have aided current flights of fancy more in tune with religion than science.
Borchardt demonstrates why only Infinite Universe Theory can provide answers to questions untouched by currently regressive physics and cosmogony. His new modification of gravitation theory gets us closer to its physical cause without calling upon attraction or curved spacetime or “immaterial fields.”
This is the book for you if you have doubts about the universe exploding out of nothing and expanding in all directions at once, that the universe has more than three dimensions, or that light is a massless wave-particle that defies the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Borchardt has put forth a solid case for an Infinite Universe that extends in all directions and exists everywhere and for all time.
“What a great read! Thanks so much for a book full of great ideas. I love the Q&A format; it’s very satisfying to have good answers to clearly stated questions.” -Rick Dutkiewicz
“Truly brilliant.” -Jesse Witwer
“A radical, daring, and innovative demolition of regressive physics, from the creation of ‘something out of nothing’ to the ‘God Particle.’” -William Westmiller
"Glenn Borchardt's book uses the hammer of Infinity to explain and destroy the junk theories that plague 'Official' physics today. This is a book that should be used in college courses, to give students a basic understanding of how physics is done. Physics has 'gone off the rails' for a century and it is books like Borchardt's that will return physics from its current unscientific and anti-materialist base and back on to a scientific and materialist road." -Mike Gimbel
“What a fascinating read!” -Juan Calsiano
Pages: 320
Publisher: Brown Walker Press
Year: 2005
ISBN: 1581124376
ISBN: 978-1581124378
Newton's Laws held for 300 years until Einstein developed the 'special theory of relativity' in 1905. Experiments done since then show anomalies in that theory.
This book starts with a description of the special theory of relativity. It is shown that Einstein was not the first to derive the famous equation E = mc2, which has become synonymous with his name. Next, experimental evidence that cannot be explained by special relativity is given. In the light of this evidence, the two basic postulates of the special theory of relativity on the behaviour of light are shown to be untenable. A new theory (universal relativity) is developed, which conforms to the experimental evidence.
The movement of a conductor near a pole of a magnet and the movement of that pole near the conductor does not always give the same result. It has been claimed that this contradicts relativity theory. Experiments described in this book show that it is not special relativity but another basic law of physics that is contradicted - Faraday's Law.
The Big Bang theory of the beginning of the universe is questioned and an alternative proposed. The source of much of the mysterious missing 'dark matter' that has been sought for decades by astronomers is located. An explanation of the shapes of some galaxies is proffered.
Pages: 396
Publisher: Chocolate Tree Books
Year: 2007
ISBN: 0955706807
ISBN: 978-0955706806
View count: 1
Pages: 438
Publisher: PD Publications, Liverpool, UK
Year: 2008
ISBN: 1873694105
Researches undertaken during the last 20 years have confirmed that space possesses physical properties even where it is devoid of ordinary matter. In addition to the well known properties of permittivity, permeability and the ability to transmit electromagnetic waves, other features have been more recently associated with the nature of space. These include the Casimir Effect and a significant amount of energy. This medium, devoid of any trace of ordinary matter, is usually referred to as "Physical Vacuum", "Plenum" or "Cosmic Substratum" along with other appellations. Despite the veil of equivalent terms, these names obviously refer to the Ether, a medium conceived in antiquity, which received much attention from Science between the 17th and early 20th centuries. Today it is commonly understood throughout the academic community that Einstein excluded once and for all the ether from modern physics with his Special Theory of 1905. There is a widespread, unjustified assumption that ether is conceptually incompatible with Relativity, though Einstein developed an equivalent concept in the context of the General Theory and his later work. We may add that Einstein?s ether concept has inspired many modern physicists though others follow another direction of thought. The aim of this first volume of papers is to examine the different paths by which the modern ether concept has been developed and to highlight the part it plays in major departments of 21st C physics. The evidence for its existence is reviewed, and it is hoped, widespread misconceptions concerning ether are corrected. It is anticipated that the emerging modern concept of ether will play a fundamental part in the development of 21st C physical science. - Back cover
A book dealing with experimental and theoretical studies devoted to the exploration of the modern ether concept, evidence of its reality and implications for modern physics.
-5- Editor's Foreword
-7- Introduction
-13- Ether as a Disclosing Model, Michael C. Duffy
-47- Einstein's New Ether 1916-1955, Ludwik Kostro
-69- Basic Concepts for a Fundamental Aether Theory, Joseph Levy
-125- Aether Theory and the Principle of Relativity, Joseph Levy
-139- Ether Theory of Gravitation, Why and How, Mayeul Arminjon, Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures, Risques, CNRS & Universite de Grenoble, BP 53, F-38041, Grenoble Cedex 9 France
-203- A Dust Universe Solution to the Dark Energy Problem, James G. Gilson, school of mathematical sciences, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E14NS, United Kingdom E-mail:
-217- Eddington Ether and Number, Raul A. Simon, LAMB, Santiago Chile
-257- The dynamical Space-time as a Field Configuration in a Background Space-time, A. N. Petrov, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri,-Columbia, Columbia MO 65211, USA and Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Universitetskii pr., 13 Moskow 119992 Russia E-mail:
-305- Locality and Electromagnetic Momentum in Critical Tests of Special Relativity, Gianfranco Spavieri, Jesus Quintero, Arturo Sanchez, Jose Ayazo, & Georges T. Gillies, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia, PO Box 400746, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904, USA E-mail:
-357- Correlations Leading to Space-time Structure in an Ether, J. E. Carroll, Engineering Department, University of Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom, E.mail:
-407- Reasons for Gravitational Mass and the Problem of Quantum Gravity, Volodymyr Krasnoholovets
Pages: 352
Publisher: Electret Scientific Company
Year: 1997; 2nd ed 2004
ISBN: 0917406249
ISBN: 978-0917406249
As Professor Jefimenko shows, the theory of electromagnetic retardation leads to, and duplicates, many electromagnetic relations that are customarily considered to constitute consequences of relativistic electrodynamics. Much of the first part of the book is devoted to establishing a bridge between the theory of electromagnetic retardation and the theory of relativity. In the second part of the book, Chapters 6 to 11, all the fundamental equations of the special relativity theory, including equations of relativistic electrodynamics and mechanics, are derived in a natural and direct way from equations of electromagnetic retardation and from electromagnetic force and energy equations without any postulates, conjectures, or hypotheses. As a result, the theory of special relativity acquires a new physical and mathematical base and becomes united with Maxwellian electromagnetism into one simple, clear, and harmonious theory of electromagnetic phenomena and mechanical interactions between rapidly moving bodies. Numerous well-chosen original illustrative examples demonstrate various applications of the relativistic electrodynamics and relativistic mechanics developed in this part of the book.
The new approach to the formulations of the theory of relativity presented in this book makes it necessary to reexamine the conventional interpretation of some of the key aspects of the special relativity theory. One of the most significant results of this reexamination is that, although the idea of Lorentz length contraction played an important part in Einstein's approach to the formulation of the theory of relativity, this idea is not an integral part of the theory of relativity itself. Another equally significant result of this reexamination, based on an analysis of a dozen elementary electromagnetic clocks, is that the rate of the moving clocks depends both on the velocity and on the construction of the clocks, so that although all the clocks examined in the book run slow when in motion, only some clocks conform to Einstein's time-dilation formula; others do not.
Finally, the novel approach to the formulation of the special relativity theory developed in this book leads to the conclusion that gravitational phenomena are subject to essentially the same relativistic relations as are the electromagnetic phenomena. Based on this conclusion, a covariant formulation of Newton-Heaviside's gravitational theory is developed and presented in the last chapter of the book.
An Appendix to the book contains an analysis of the physical nature of electric and magnetic forces and presents a novel interpretation of the "near-action" mechanism of electromagnetic interactions.
View count: 1
Publisher: Rinton Press Inc.
Year: 2004
ISBN: 1589490363
ISBN: 978-1589490369
Kotelnikov suggested an electrodynamics which can describe also particles which are faster than light. This suggestion is in agreement with special relativity.
We know Hector Munera from his interpretation of the Michelson-Morley experiment which, according to Munera, did show an aether drift. In this book, he presented a new approach to the electromagnetic force.
Caroline Thompson presented, for the first time, her phi-wave aether model.
Most revolutionary and far-reaching is K?hne's quantum electromagnetodynamics. His theory is a generalization of quantum electrodynamics. It includes Dirac magnetic monopoles and two kinds of photon, the conventional one which he named "electric photon" and a new one which he named "magnetic photon". His theory is the only quantum field theory of the electromagnetic interaction which can explain the quantization of electric charge, which is local, which is manifestly Lorentz invariant, which describes electrism and magnetism symmetrically, which does not require the Dirac string, and which makes testable predictions.
K?hne's theory predicts that the magnetic photon couples with electric charges, where the coupling strength depends on the absolute motion of the electric charge. As a consequence, the creation, shielding and absorption of magnetic photons is suppressed by a factor of 700 000 with respect to electric photons of the same energy.
As K?hne pointed out, his theory violates the relativity principle.
But what is more: K?hne had presented his theory and suggested an experiment to test his theory already in 1997 ( Now, in his contribution to this book he discussed three independent experiments which confirm his magnetic photon rays.
The far-reaching consequences of this probable discovery include:
- The discovery of a new elementary particle (magnetic photon)
- The discovery of a new radiation (magnetic photon rays)
- Possible applications in medicine (examinations via magnetic photon rays instead of X rays)
- The first proof for the violation of the relativity principle of special relativity
- Indirect evidence for magnetic monopoles
- Indirect evidence for an aether
Wow, could this mean a Nobel prize within the near future?
Anyway, this book is very good. I recommend this book to everyone who is interested in physics and/or the philosophy of science. - Peter M?ller, Amazon
Pages: 291
Publisher: C. Roy Keys Inc. (Apeiron)
Year: 2000
ISBN: 0968368956
ISBN: 978-0968368954
- Foreword
- Preface
- Introduction: The de Broglie-Bohm-Vigier Approach in Quantum Mechanics
- Model of the Causal Interpretation of Quantum Theory in Terms of a Fluid with Irregular Fluctuations
- Dirac?s Aether in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
- Superluminal Propagation of the Quantum Potential in the Causal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
- Model of Quantum Statistics in Terms of a Fluid with Irregular Stochastic Fluctuations Propagating at the Velocity of Light: A Derivation of Nelson?s Equations
- Relativistic Hydrodynamics of Rotating Fluid Masses
- Causal Superluminal Interpretation of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox
- Action-at-a-Distance and Causality in the Stochastic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
- De Broglie?s Wave Particle Duality in the Stochastic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: A Testable Physical Assumption
- Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation Carrying a Nondispersive Solitonlike Singularity
- Relativistic Wave Equations with Quantum Potential Nonlinearity
- Causal Particle Trajectories and the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
- New Theoretical Implications of Neutron Interferometric Double Resonance Experiments
- Positive Probabilities and the Principle of Equivalence for Spin-Zero Particles in the Causal Stochastic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
- Markov Process at the Velocity of Light: The Klein-Gordon Statistic
- Description of Spin in the Causal Stochastic Interpretation of Proca-Maxwell Waves: Theory of Einstein?s "Ghost Waves"
- Possible Test of the Reality of Superluminal Phase Waves and Particle Phase Space Motions in the Einstein-de Broglie-Bohm Causal Stochastic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
- Possible Experimental Test of the Wave Packet Collapse
- Testing Wave-Particle Dualism with Time-Dependent Neutron Interferometry
- Energy Conservation and Complementary in Neutron Single-Crystal Interferometry
- Time-Dependent Neutron Interferometry: Evidence in Favour of de Broglie Waves
- Causal Stochastic Prediction of the Nonlinear Photoelectric Effects in Coherent Intersecting Laser Beams
- Fundamental Problems of Quantum Physics
- Bibliography of works by Jean-Pierre Vigier
This book serves as a useful reminder that the widespread belief that the quantum world is irreducibly weird, indeterministic, unvisualizable, and dependent on human observation, is not required by experimental results, and that a causal, more rational and intuitive interpretation is possible.
The book was compiled as a tribute to Jean-Pierre Vigier on the occasion of his 80th birthday. It begins with a preface by Stanley Jeffers outlining Vigier's life. He worked closely with Louis de Broglie and David Bohm, and helped to pioneer the de Broglie-Bohm-Vigier approach to quantum physics, also known as the causal stochastic interpretation. The main features of this approach and how it evolved are explained in an introduction by Lev Chebotarev. The bulk of the book consists of 22 facsimile reprints of papers on quantum mechanics authored or coauthored by J.P. Vigier. There is also a biography of Vigier's works. Most of the papers are, at least in part, highly technical, but much of the discussion and analysis of the contending interpretations of quantum physics can be readily understood by nonspecialists.
As Chebotarev points out, while quantum mechanics works impeccably as a mathematical tool, 'the conceptual situation in quantum mechanics appears to be the most disturbing in modern physics'. Seventy years after the advent of quantum theory, 'there is still no clear idea as to what its mathematics is actually telling us' (p. 1).
A central tenet of the standard Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, as developed by Bohr, Heisenberg, Born, and Pauli, is that 'There is no quantum world, there is only an abstract quantum physical description'. But what does the mathematical formalism actually describe? It is hard to believe that the quantum world underlying our material, macroscopic world consists of nothing but abstract 'probability waves' that somehow 'collapse' into particle-like objectivity whenever a measurement is made (or, according to some theorists, whenever a measurement is registered by a conscious human mind).
Each time the position of, say, an electron is measured, it is found in only one place. In between measurements we do not know exactly where the electron is, but the wave function can be used to calculate the probability of it being found in any particular region of space. On the assumption that the wave function provides a complete description of quantum objects, many physicists believe that a particle does not follow a definite trajectory in between measurements, but dissolves into 'superposed probability waves', which then 'collapse' instantaneously, discontinuously, and quite inexplicably when the next measurement is made.
This probabilistic approach was strongly opposed by Einstein, Planck, and Schr?dinger, but it was de Broglie and later Bohm and Vigier who played the main role in developing an alternative. Chebotarev writes:
The central idea of the Stochastic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics consists in treating a microscopic object exhibiting a dual wave-particle nature as composed of a particle in the proper sense of the word (a small region in space with a high concentration of energy), and of an associated wave that guides the particle's motion. Both the particle and the wave are considered to be real, physically observable, and objectively existing entities. (p. 2)
Particles are pictured as oscillators (or solitons) beating in phase with their surrounding pilot waves, which in turn result from the superposition of superluminal phase waves carried by a subquantal etheric medium subject to constant stochastic fluctuations. The force, or quantum potential, determining particle motions therefore carries information from the entire environment, accounting for the 'wholeness' of quantum phenomena.
The causal stochastic approach can account for all the quantum properties of matter, including all the so-called paradoxes. It therefore disproves the claim that the quantum formalism requires us to abandon not only the quest for an explanation of quantum phenomena but also the concepts of causality, continuity, and the objective reality of individual microobjects. In Vigier's view, the Copenhagen interpretation is based on 'arbitrary philosophical assumptions', and its insistence on the absolute and final character of indeterminacy is dogmatic.
The causal stochastic approach is 'the only known interpretation of quantum mechanics in terms of which all quantum effects can be explained on the basis of causal continuous motions in space and time' (p. 142). It has no place for the ill-defined notion of wave-packet collapse. There is only a 'pseudo-collapse', which 'simply represents a change of our knowledge and does not correspond to any real physical changes in the state of the system' (p. 147). Vigier says that even if the quantum-potential approach 'is not taken as a fully satisfactory description of quantum mechanical reality, it at least shows in a clear way the features that such a description must entail' (p. 169).
In the causal approach, therefore, 'the material world has an existence independent of the knowledge of observers' (p. 170). Vigier does not discuss possible explanations for genuine psychokinesis ('mind over matter'). However, invoking the abstract notion of wave-function collapse certainly contributes nothing to a concrete understanding of such phenomena (see Pratt, 1997). Bohm believed that the causal interpretation opened the door to the creative operation of deeper, subtler, more mindlike levels of reality. Like Bohm, Vigier stresses that it is by no means a return to the classical mechanistic worldview. Some of his statements, however, seem to deny the existence of free will (pp. 50-51, 99-100), though he acknowledges that, given the fundamental complexity of nature, 'The ghost cannot be exorcized from the machine' (p. 169).
Vigier shows how, in stark contrast to the Copenhagen interpretation, the causal interpretation is able to provide an intelligible and visualizable explanation of key experiments such as the double-slit experiment and neutron-interferometry experiments (pp. 137-72). In the double-slit experiment, if both slits are open an interference pattern builds up on the screen even if electrons approach the slits one at a time. In the Copenhagen interpretation, a single particle supposedly passes in some indefinable sense through both slits and interferes with itself, whereas in the causal approach each particle passes through only one slit whereas the pilot wave passes through both. If a device is used to detect through which slit each particle travels, the interference pattern disappears. In the Copenhagen interpretation, the measurement collapses the wave function, whereas in the causal approach it affects the real pilot wave. The Copenhagen interpretation claims that any path-determining measurement will destroy the interference pattern, whereas the causal interpretation predicts that interference will persist if future techniques allow a sufficiently subtle, nondemolition measurement to be performed.
Neutron-interferometry experiments reproduce the double-slit configuration with massive particles and introduce new interaction possibilities through neutron spin. In these experiments, something exchanges energy with the spin-flip coils in the two arms of the interferometer, and this interaction almost certainly involves real neutrons rather than nebulous probability waves. Although such experiments cannot yet determine the path of each individual neutron, they prove 'the incompleteness of the quantum-mechanical Copenhagen description because the persistence of an interference pattern is combined with the existence of a definite trajectory for each particle, a fact forbidden in the Copenhagen interpretation' (p. 257). In other words, the wave and particle aspects of matter can manifest simultaneously in the same experimental setup, thereby contradicting the complementarity principle.
Vigier argues that quantum entanglement (EPR-type) experiments leave no doubt that quantum mechanics is a nonlocal theory, i.e. that quantum systems can show correlations that cannot be explained in terms of classical forces or signals propagating at or slower than the speed of light. However, the EPR experiments conducted to date still contain loopholes, and Chebotarev puts the probability of nonlocal connections at about 90% (for a dissident view, see Thompson, 1998). Vigier proposes that nonlocal interactions are not absolutely instantaneous but causal and superluminal; they are mediated by the quantum potential, carried by superluminal phase waves in a Dirac-type ether consisting of superfluid states of particle-antiparticle pairs. (If superluminal connections were brought about by individual particles rather than phase waves, this would contradict relativity theory, which Vigier upholds.)
Vigier writes:
In my opinion the most important development to be expected in the near future concerning the foundations of quantum physics is a revival, in modern covariant form, of the ether concept of the founding fathers of the theory of light. [I]t now appears that the vacuum is a real physical medium which presents some surprising properties. (p. 272)
In several places he refers to the 'negative result' of the Michelson-Morley ether-drift experiment of 1887 (pp.63, 192). However, contrary to what numerous textbooks and popular science books claim, this famous experiment did not give a null result.
Vigier (1997a) himself acknowledges this in an article not included in the book, or even mentioned in the bibliography. In it he states: 'the observed effect was not zero in Michelson's famous experiment, as later confirmed by a (presently almost forgotten) set of very detailed and very careful experiments by Morley and Miller [Miller, 1933].' He presents a brief overview of the 'long set of remarkable experiments' conducted from 1881 to 1926, which 'are now completely ignored in the physics community'. These experiments detected a small but consistent and systematic ether drift of about 9 km/s.
Although relativity theory assumed a zero ether drift (and a constant velocity of light), Vigier (1997b) argues that a positive ether drift is compatible with special relativity if photons are assumed to have a very small mass. He also argues that Sagnac's discovery in 1910 of fringe shifts in rotating interferometers (the Sagnac effect) can be reconciled with general relativity on the same assumption. Whether the results of ether-drift experiments, including more recent ones (e.g. Silvertooth & Whitney, 1992), are best understood in terms of standard relativity theory is hotly contested (e.g. Galeczki, 1995; Hazelett & Turner, 1979; M?nera, 1997; Spolter, 1993).
Vigier points out the radical implications of non-zero-mass photons, as originally proposed by Einstein, Schr?dinger, and de Broglie:
If confirmed by experiment, it would necessitate a complete revision of present cosmological views. The associated tired-light models could possibly replace the so-called expanding Universe models. Non-velocity redshifts could explain the anomalous quasar-galaxy associations, etc., and the Universe would possibly be infinite in time (p. 273).
Vigier's book is an important contribution to the debate on fundamental aspects of quantum physics.
David Pratt
Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 283-7, 2002
Pages: 188
Publisher: Abramis
Year: 2006
ISBN: 1845491319
ISBN: 978-1845491314
Pages: 474
Publisher: Hadronic Press
Year: 1995
ISBN: 091176772X
ISBN: 978-0911767728
Proceedings of an International Conference held 1994 in Olympia, Greece
- Michele Barone, The Underwater Neutrino Telescopes 1
- Jenner Barretto Bastos-Filho & R. M. X. de Araujo, Dimensional Analysis and Fundamental Physical Constants in N-Dimensional Spaces for Real N 11
- G. F. Sanger, On Mechanisms of Ambiguity and Adaptation in Nature and Their Dimensions 23
- Ruggero Maria Santilli, An Introduction to Hadronic Mechanics 69
- Roland H. Dishington, Cause and Effect in Special Relativity 187
- Joseph Levy, Is the Invariance of the Speed of Light Compatible with Quantum Mechanics? Some New Arguments 203
- Constantin I. Mocanu, Hertzian Extension of Einstein Special Relativity to Non-Uniform Motions 217
- A. Panaitescu, On the Electromagnetic State Quantities in Electrodynamics of Moving Media 241
- A. Paparodopoulos, The Law of Universla Gravitation in a G Variant Universe 265
- Simon J. Prokhovnik, The Nature of Friedmann Universes 277
- Horst E. Wilhelm, Physical Foundations of Galilei Covariant Electrodynamics 283
- A. Afriat, Correlations Involving Several Subsystems 2999
- Co. Antonopoulos, On Measurements with Contradictory Results; Tracing the Roots of the Original Wholeness 313
- A. K. Aringazin, K. M. Aringazin, A. Baskoutas, G. Brodimas, A. Jannusis & E. Vlachos, q-Deformed Harmonic Oscillator in Phase Space 329
- M. Damjanonvic & Z. Maric, Relativistic Dynamics and Space-Time Structure of Few-Body Processes 349
- J. Foadi, A Geometrical Approach to Bell Inequalities 357
- L. C. B. Ryff, Some Reflections and Conjectures on E.P.R. Correlations and Realism 369
- Franco Selleri, Complementarity vs. Causality in Space and Time 381
- James Paul Wesley, Light Radiates as Stochastic Bursts of Photons 399
- V. P. Ivankin, On the Origin and Development of the Solar System 409
- Martin Kokus, Red-Shift Quantization and the Fractal Geometry of the Universe 425
- H. G. Owen, Speculations on the Physical State of the Earth's Inner Core 429
- Giovanni Scalera, Relocation of Paleopoles on Variable Radius Earth Models 463
In 1905, Albert Einstein published his Theory of Special Relativity within which he described the now famous mass-energy formula E=mc2. This theoretical construction revolutionized the classical perspective of the universe as understood since the time of Isaac Newton. No longer were the classical concepts of Absolute Space and Absolute Time valid irrespective of observation point. Now the concepts of Length Contraction and Time Dilation were in vogue and Physics would never be the same. Until now!
In an easy to read format along with many illustrations, Michael Strauss leads the reader in a comprehensive description of the history leading up to Special Relativity Theory. He points out errors in the original assumptions, documents and ideas which led to the acceptance of this theory. However, his most powerful argument against Special Relativity is none other than the equations of Special Relativity! As a result, E=mc2 is no longer relative!
View count: 1
This book presents 26 papers concerning important fundamental questions in mathematics and physics. Is a line a continuum or a dense set of points? Is space empty or does it contain an ether? Is the ether a sea of virtual particles or a gravitational field? Does quantum theory say nature is actually unpredictable? Can alternative logics resolve paradoxes in physics? Are the space-time ideas of relativity tenable? Can absolute velocities be measured? Can conservation of energy be violated? Why are gravitational and inertial masses equal? Does mass really change with velocity? The authors do not agree with each other. Some accept relativity, while others say it is wrong. The observed force between suspended antennas and the results of many other experiments contradict Maxwell theory and special relativity and are predicted by classical Weber electrodynamics. Some claim quantum behavior is intrinsically unpredictable; while others claim microphysical reality and suggest crucial experiments to prove their point. There is a claim to having observed cold nuclear fusion in a spark discharge. There is a claim to having violated the conservation of momentum and energy experimentally. The Weber potential (so successful in electrodynamics) when applied to gravitation predicts the mass-times-acceleration force as an induction force due to the far mass in the universe, verifying Mach?s principle and proving the identity of gravitational and inertial mass. A unipolar device is described that is supposed to extract energy from space. The Weber potential also predicts the result of the Kaufmann-Bucherer experiments; so mass may not, in fact, vary with velocity. This book presents some new important concrete results. It may not provide the reader with the particular answers he seeks; but many of the important fundamental questions are presented; and it provides a gold mine of references to facilitate the search for further answers.
- Giuseppe Antoni, Special Relativity as an Evolution of Classical Physics 1
- Prof. Andre K. T. Assis, Modern Experiments Related to Weber's Electrodynamics 8
- Giovanni Boniolo, E?tv?s Experiment, General Relativity and the Problems of Incommensurability 23
- Giuseppe Cannata, Mechanical Image of Electromagnetism 33
- Giuseppe Cannata, The Need for a Probabilistic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: Cause and Results 53
- Prof. Jorge C. Cur?, On the Identity of Einstein's Cosmic Ether 61
- Francesco de Stefano, About a Gedankenexperiment to Test the Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 82
- Dr. Georg Galeczki, About Inertial Frames of Reference, Velocities and Velocity-Dependent Masses 93
- Enrico Giannetto, La Logica Quantistica tra Fondamenti della Matematica e Fondimenti della Fisica 107
- Dr. Peter Graneau, Has the Mystery of Inertia Been Solved? 129
- Prof. Ludwig Kostro, Albert Einstein and the Ether 137
- Dr. Stefan Marinov, Violation of the Laws of Conservation of Angular Momentum and Energy 163
- Lorenzo Mencherini, On the Concept of Integrality in the Theory of Special Relativity 179
- Dr. Theodore D. Mitsopoulos, Disproof of Specila Relativity and Restoration of Classical Physics 183
- Panos T. Pappas, Non-Relativistic Forms of Antenna 203
- Erasmo Recami & Vilson Tonin-Zanchin, Fifth Force, Sixth Force, and All That: A Theoretical (Classical) Comment 215
- Dr. Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr. & Q. A. G. de Souza, The Status of the Principle of Relativity 221
- Torgny Sj?din, Real and Apparent Effects in Special Relativity 230
- di Francesco Speranza, La Riduzione di una Disciplina a un'Altra: una Strategia Generale? 237
- Omero Speri & Pietro Zorzi, Nuclear Fusion from Hydrogen and Its Isotopes in an Electric Discharge 248
- Paramahamsa Tewari, Physics and Technology of the Phenomenon of Space Power Generation 253
- Dr. Theodore D. Mitsopoulos, Diurnal Terrestial Aberration of Light 261
- Tito Tonietta, Continuum's Continuous Conflict 271
- Dr. Paul Wesley, Evidence for Weber-Wesley Electrodynamics 289
- Antonino Drago, The Two Options Generating Incommensurability Among Scientific Theories 344
- Dr. Franco Selleri, On the Possibility of a Rationalistic Approach to Microphysics 357
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Scientific Physics is physics based upon ordinary empirical scientific principles. Traditional orthodox physics has become mired down in mystical ideas, anti-scientific principles, and denials of obvious experimental facts. The evidence reviewed in this book proves space-time is absolute ? no "special relativity" nonsense. A cosmology is presented for an eternal, infinite, uniform in-the-large, steady-state, nonexpanding universe that fits all of the facts ? no impossible "big bang", no "curved space", no "expanding universe", no "bounded universe", etc. The far-reaching consequences of mass-energy equivalence (known in the 1800?s) are explored, yielding neomechanics in absolute space-time, a new gravitational theory, etc. An electrodynamic field theory is presented that agrees with Ampere?s original force law, with Weber electrodynamics for slowly varying effects, and predicts longitudinal electrodynamic K waves (recently observed), yields the force that drives the Marinov motor and that explains the Aharonov-Bohm effect ? no error-ridden Maxwell theory, no Faraday law of electromagnetic induction, no absurd Biot-Savart law, etc. The conditions for creating thermodynamic order are presented, which indicate why low entropy life exists, why stars are born from high entropy gas and dust, why territorial behavior of all organisms and man, etc. It is shown how quantum particles move along discrete trajectories as explicit function of time to yield all observed wave behavior. The empirically correct Wesley wave, Y = sin [p?(r-vt)/h], for free particles is generalized to yield wave equations for bound particles ? no "wave-particle duality", no single particle interfering with itself, no single particle going through both slits to produce interference, no "uncertainty principle", no intrinsic "probability amplitudes", no superposition of physical states, no "complementarity", no astrological "nonlocality", no thoughts affecting experimental results, no "indistinguishable" particles, no "expectation values" as observables, no "operator approach", etc.
Book Review: Selected Topics in Scientific Physics by Dr. Thomas E. Phipps Jr.
Pages: 251
Publisher: Technotran Press
Year: 1989 / Revised 1994
ISBN: 0962778710
ISBN: 978-0962778711
Part II discusses cosmology, space and the universe. It explores their enigmas and paradoxes. Dr Wolff's role is a friendly guide to the reader, enabling her/him to understand the machinery behind Nature's laws, and to help solve the puzzles which have confounded scientists over the years. The century-old controversy of wave structure or substance structure of particles is examined and it is shown that a wave structure is the origin of the natural laws. The mysterious role of space itself is explored and the reader is asked and helped to choose between truth and prejudice.
Pages: 198
Publisher: JDX COMPANY
Year: 1998
ISBN: 0-646-36381-6
ISBN: 9780646363813
Websites: htttp://
"A major fallacy unique in scientific history." Have you ever read the book Has Hawking Erred written by Gerhard Kraus in 1993 with that daring statement about Einstein's time dilation?
"The fact that nearly all academic physicists support Special Relativity proves nothing about its validity," said by John Chappell Jr., chairman of NPA, in 1996. Did you know that 90 years after Einstein's Relativity publication, physicists still fail to stop their own colleagues' criticism against the theory?
"All motions may be accelerated and retarded, but the flowing of absolute time is liable to no change," said Isaac Newton. Did you know that all so-called evidence thought to confirm Einstein's time dilation, in fact only confirm Newton's law that motion can be changed, but time is still absolute?
- Have you ever wondered what time is?
- What is time dilation?
- What is space curvature?
- Why can our space be curved?
- Did you ever feel sick of hearing physicists admit how confused they are about time, yet they can be so sure of time dilation?
- Did you ever feel convinced listening to physicists describe what 4-dimensional space-time is like, while saying you cannot draw it?
- Did you ever feel stupid for not understanding Einstein and Relativity but still happily accepting it?
- Did you ever dare think Einstein is wrong, but not dare say it due to your limited Math and Physics?
- Whatever your favourite excuse, do you ever believe one day you CAN understand Einstein and realize he is wrong?
- If you never bother asking those questions, don't read this book for this book is nothing but a challenge to Einstein's Relativity!
"This book, in 10 Chapters and 191 pages, describes the "tour de force" of a common sensed person, with average scientific education but not a physicist himself, in search for an understanding of Einstein's Relativity theory. He is convinced that at least three important points of the theory are total flaws: 1-time dilation; 2-space curvature; and 3-the absolute constancy of light speed, regardless of source velocity or observer velocity. The first two chapters set the dialectical stage, quote some dissidents of RT (Relativity Theory) including my own group (Natural Philosophy Alliance) and Gerhard Kraus, and anticipates some of the author's theses, but without much reasoning. In fact these two initial chapters appear to me somehow vague and slow. It is in Chap. 3 (an imaginary interview with Einstein) where we start reading some solid arguments, mostly describing the disconcerting variety of opinions that 20 relativistic authors explored by John Doan hold respect Time Dilation. On page 35 John Doan presents the critique. It is not original but is forcefully expressed and repeated along the entire book as a leitmotiv, namely, that asymmetric time aging as usually claimed by a group of relativists when one clock moves back and forth, showing "less" time than an identical clock that remained at "rest" at the origin, is a logical impossibility . Since relative motion is perfectly reciprocal, symmetric and interchangeable, there is no way to say which clock must really go slower. They can both get slower, leading to a>b and a<b simultaneously.
"The arguments against space-curvature and light speed constancy are less forcefully presented. John Doan even dares to give his own version of 4-D space which I personally cannot approve (it is still 3-D). Concerning light speed he describes the relativistic position as claiming that c+v = c, or that c+c = c. These, of course, are inaccurate expressions which relativists do not endorse. But the reader gets the hint that in practice this is what RT concludes using its velocity composition expression, (which the author does not quote). After an imaginary interview with Einstein and asking him twenty questions that he cannot answer the author is ready to "divorce" Relativity and return to Newtonian absolute space and time.
"In an equally imaginary interview with Newton Time Dilation is replaced by "motion change". John Doan does not question the possibility of Time Dilation provided it is due to an asymmetric physical cause, not to Einstein's uniform motion only, and provided we refer it to a physical change in a clock, not in "Time", whatever Time means. Newton's affirmations sound a bit authoritarian but his absolute space, time and simultaneity win the day in the author's view.
"The next Chapter, (7), is a grand detour into the "relativity of language" which, to this reviewer, seems the weakest portion of the book, and not too much needed at all, though it contains a high dose of human insights and situations. The following two Chapters present the final attack on Time Dilation and the replacement of Einstein by Newton. Topics like asymmetry vs. symmetry, relative vs absolute, are discussed. The author uses the method of analogical comparisons to guide the reader through the intricacies of relativistic thought. In the final chapter an unexpected biographical experience, concerning a friend killed at war who was a relativistic dissident since adolescence, moves the reader almost to compassion. The plea for understanding rises here to its climax, but only to conclude that no matter what is done, Relativity will always "win". In an Epilogue the author asks Stephen Hawking, whom he praises, to become a new Einstein, but against Einstein." - Francisco M?ller
Pages: 276
Publisher: Haag & Herchen
Year: 1996
ISBN: 3861374846
ISBN: 978-3861374848
English reviews:
This book gives a good overview of arguments against the Special Relativity Theory. Despite a few loose ends and some fuzzy reasoning the authors do a good job convincing the reader that all is not well in SRT land. Reference is made to theoretical and experimental proofs (with a good reference list) against Einstein's interpretation of the relativity theory. But even Lorentz' version of the relativity theory is put in doubt, and some old ("forgotten") and new electrodynamics theories are discussed. A good addition to standard text books, to compensate for their SRT cult!
I felt very confirmed in my own evaluation of special and general relativity. My approach was to use logic and linguistic analysis to arrive at the same conclusions that are derived in the book using experiments, historical and mathematical analyis. The authors are invited to to read my critique and to compare our two approaches. I would like to discuss this with them further. From Annalen Der Physik I received the response - we will not publish or even consider any critique of relativity as the subject is closed for us!
View count: 1
Pages: 129
Publisher: Lifetime Press
Year: 1989
ISBN: 0931571057
ISBN: 978-0931571053
View count: 1
The Relativity Question can be regarded as a continuation of the story begun in Herbert Dingle's dissident classic, Science at the Crossroads (1972). It may be "the only reasonably comprehensive account of Professor Dingle's crusade against special relativity, by anyone other than himself. Even then, much of the story is told in Professor Dingle's own words, in the form of letters written by him to various people, copies of which he sent to [the author] in hopes that they would eventually be published. There are also some letters written by [or with] a collaborator, Mr. Mark Haymon... Replies to many of these letters are also included, and most of the correspondence is presented without detailed comment from [the author]. If the presentation of the correspondence seems somewhat one-sided, part of the reason is that some of those to whom letters were written... did not reply, and some of those who did reply would not give permission to publish their letters." - From the Preface
In addition to the correspondence, Dr. McCausland also presents criticisms of the theory of relativity itself. He details logical flaws in the arguments of Dingle's adversaries that can be understood by scientists and non-scientists alike. From their own words we can witness their case falter and ultimately fail.
Pages: 212
Publisher: Golem Press
Year: 1987
ISBN: 0911762396
ISBN: 978-0911762396
Arguably more than any other book, Einstein Plus Two helped launch the dissident revolution of the 1990s. As a consequence of this book, Beckmann founded Galilean Electrodynamics in 1990, a time when several other dissident journals made their start. Beckmann's concept of the relativity principle without Einsteinian observer dependence serves as the major unifying theme. It stresses the idea of motion with respect to the local field rather than to the observer of special relativity theory.
The book is divided into three sections: Einstein Plus Zero, One and Two. In Einstein Plus Zero, Beckmann reexamines the historic experiments of Bradley, Fresnel, Fizeau, Airy, and of course, Michelson with Morley and Gale, and shows how understanding motion with respect to the local field makes sense of them all. In Einstein Plus Zero, he considers quantization of electron orbits, electromagnetic mass, the meaning of Planck's constant and the Schr?dinger Equation from a proper understanding of central motion. Finally in Einstein Plus Two, the large questions of gravitation, Mercury's perihelion, the Titius-Bode Series and inertia are addressed.
"There is so much to enjoy in this book. If you get your hands on this book, even for a moment, at least read the preface and the introduction. They are brilliant and short. His 'Grandiose Theory of the Railroad Track' shows Beckmann's humor and his insight. I also love Mr. Beckmann's simple statement that 'a theory that does not recognize the equality of action and reaction cannot, without apology, invoke the conservation of momentum.'" [p.77] - Larry Koler, Amazon
Pages: 375
Publisher: C. Roy Keys Inc. (Apeiron)
Year: 1998
ISBN: 0968368913
ISBN: 978-0968368916
Proceedings of an international conference on Special Relativity and Some of its Applications, held in Athens, Greece, June 25-28, 1997. The papers gathered in these proceedings discuss the historical background and conceptual as well as empirical difficulties with conventional relativity theory, while some new approaches to understanding electromagnetism and gravitation are presented. This volume includes 38 papers by authors from 17 different countries.
Velocity of Light
- Patrick J. Fleming: An Explanation of the Sagnac Effect Based on the Special Theory of Relativity, the de Broglie/Bohm Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, and a Non-Zero Rest Mass for the Proton 3
- Fran?ois Goy: On Synchronization of Clocks in Free Fall around a Central Body 7
- Dr. Andrzej Horzela: Remarks on Clock Synchronization 19
- Dr. Alphonsus G. Kelly: Synchronization of Clock-Stations and the Sagnac Effect 25
- Dr. Joseph L?vy: Is Simultaneity Relative or Absolute? 39
- Adolphe Martin: Reception of Light Signals in Galilean Space-Time 47
- Prof. Ramalho Croca: Experiments on the Velocity c 57
- Ramon Risco-Delgado: Inertial Transformations from the Homogeneity of Absolute space 65
- Dr. Franco Selleri: On a Physical and Mathematical Discontinuity in Relativity Theory 69
- Dr. Tom Van Flandern: What the Global Positioning System Tells Us about Relativity 81
History and Philosophy
- Prof. Michele Barone: Some Almost Unknown Aspects of Special Relativity Theory 93
- Jenner Barretto Bastos-Filho: Correspondence and Commensurability in Modern Physics (a Study of the Compton Effect) 103
- Eftichios Bitsakis: Space and Time: Who Was Right, Einstein or Kant? 115
- A. Jannussis: Einstein and the Development of Physics 127
- Ludwig Kostro: The Physical and Philosophical Reasons for A. Einstein?s Denial of the Ether in 1905 and its Reintroduction in 1916 131
- Nikos A. Tambakis: On the Question of Physical Geometry 141
- Dr. Gino Tarozzi: Nonlocality, Relativity, and Two Further Quantum Paradoxes 149
- Alexei A. Tyapkin: On the History of the Special Relativity Concept 161
Structures in Space and Time
- Prof. Andre K. T. Assis & J. I. Cisneros: The Problem of Surface Charges and Fields in Coaxial Cables and its Importance for Relativistic Physics 177
- A. M. Awobode: A New Appraisal of the Relativistic Quantum Theories of the Electron 187
- V. S. Barashenkov, Prof. Edward Kapuscik & M. V. Liablin: Nature of Relativistic Effects and Delayed Clock Synchronization 195
- Mirjana Bozic: On a Relativistic Magnetic Top 201
- Henrik Broberg: The Interface between Matter and Time: a Key to Gravitation 209
- Prof. Werner A. Hofer: Internal Structures of Electrons and Photons and Some Consequences in Relativistic Physics 225
- Prof. Edward Kapuscik & Henryk Niewodniczanski: Generally Covariant Electrodynamics in Arbitrary Media 241
- Marek Pawlowski: On Weyl?s Extension of the Relativity Principle as a Tool to Unify Fundamental Interactions 247
- Dr. Paul Wesley: Evidence for Newtonian Absolute Space and Time 257
Cosmology and Astrophysics
- Dr. Halton C. Arp: Evolution of Quasars into Galaxies and its Implications for the Birth and Evolution of Matter 267
- J. Brandes: A Lorentzian Approach to General Relativity: Einstein?s Closed Universe Reinterpreted 275
- Prof. Zbigniew Oziewicz & Bogdan Lange: The Simplest Inflationary Scenario in Relativistic Quantum Cosmology 283
- Dr. David F. Roscoe: An Analysis of 900 Rotation Curves of Southern Sky Spiral Galaxies: Are the Dynamics Constrained to Discrete States? 291
Quantum Theory and Relativity
- A. P. Bredimas: Schr?dinger?s "Aether" Unifies Quantum Mechanics and Relativistic Theories 305
- Augusto Garuccio: Entangled States and the Compatibility Between Quantum Mechanics and Relativity 311
- Luis Gonzalez-Mestres: Lorentz Symmetry Violation, Vacuum and Superluminal Particles 321
- A. Jannussis & S. Baskoutas: On Superluminal Velocities 339
- Jose L. Sanchez-Gomez: Are Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory really Compatible? 347
- Caroline H. Thompson: Behind the Scenes at the EPR Magic Show 353
- M. A. B. Whitaker: Relativistic Physics and Quantum Measurement theory 363
Pages: 620
Publisher: Plenum Press
Year: 1994
ISBN: 0306448254
ISBN: 978-0306448256
The Olympia conference Frontiers of Fundamental Physics was a gathering of about a hundred scientists who carry on research in conceptually important areas of physical science (they do "fundamental physics"). Most of them were physicists, but also historians and philosphers of science were well represented. An important fraction of the participants could be considered "heretical" because they disagreed with the validity of one or several fundamental assumptions of modern physics. Common to all participants was an excellent scientific level coupled with a remarkable intellectula honesty: we are proud to present to the readers this certainly unique book.
Alternative ways of considering fundamental matters should of course be vitally important for the progress of science, unless one wanted to admit that physics at the end of the XXth century has already obtained the final truth, a very unlikely possibility even if one accepted the doubtful idea of the existence of a "final" truth. The merits of the Olympia conference should therefore not be judged a priori in a positive or in a negative way depending on one's refusal or acceptance, respectively, of basic principles of contemporary sience, but considered after reading the actual new proposals and evidence there presented. They seem very important to us... - From the Preface.
- Empirical Evidence on the Creation of Galaxies and Quasars, Dr. Halton C. Arp 1
- Periodicity in Extragalactic Redshifts, William M. Napier 13
- Quasar Spectra: Black Holes or Nonstandard Models?, Jack W. Sulentic 27
- Configurations and Redshifts of Galaxies, Miroslaw Zabierowski 37
- Isominkowskian Representaion of Cosmological Redshifts and the Internal Red-Blue-Shifts of Quasars, Dr. Ruggero Maria Santilli 41
- The Relativistic Electron Pair Theory of Matter and its Implications for Cosmology, Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass 59
- Are Quasars Manifesting a de Sitter Redshift?, John B. Miller & Thomas E. Miller 67
- What, if Anything, Is the Anthropic Cosmological Principle Telling Us?, Silvio Bergia 73
- Large Anomalous Redshift and Zero-Point Radiation, Dr. Peter F. Browne 83
- Theoretical Basis for a Non-Expanding and Euclidean Universe, Thomas B. Andrews 89
- Light Propagation in an Expanding Universe, Alexandros Paparodopoulos 99
- Fornax - The Companion of the Milky Way and the Question of Its Standard Motion, Miroslaw Zabierowski 105
- Cosmological Redshifts and the Law of Corresponding States, Victor Clube 107
- Did the Apple Fall?, H?seyin Yilmaz 115
- Investigations With Lasers, Atomic Clocks and Computer Calculations of Curves Spacetime and of the Differences between the Gravitation Theories of Yilmaz and of Einstein, Prof. Carroll O. Alley 125
- Gravity is the Simplest Thing!, Dr. David F. Roscoe 139
- Fourdimensional Elasticity: Is It General Relativity?, Angelo Tartaglia 147
- Universality of the Lie-Isotropic Symmetries for Deformed Minkowskian Metrics, Ascar K. Aringazin & K. M. Aringazen 153
- Hertz's Special Relativity and Physical Reality, Dr. Ing. Constantin I. Mocanu 163
- From Relativistic Paradoxes to Absolute Space and Time Physics, Horst E. Wilhelm 171
- Theories Equivalent to Special Relativity, Dr. Franco Selleri 181
- The Physical Meaning of Albert Einstein's Relativistic Ether Concept, Prof. Ludwig Kostro 193
- The Limiting Nature of Light-Velocity as the Causal Factor Underlying Relativity, Trevor Morris 203
- The Ether Revisited, Adolphe Martin & Dr. C. Roy Keys 209
- What Is and What Is Not Essential in Lorentz's Relativity, Jan Czerniawski 217
- Vacuum Substratum in Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics - Theory and Experiment, Horst E. Wilhelm 223
- The Influence of Idealism in 20th Century Science, Heather McCouat & Simon J. Prokhovnik 233
- Creeds of Physics, Samuel Warren Carey 241
- Earth Complexity vs. Plate Tectonic Simplicity, Giancarlo Scalera 257
- An Evolutionary Earth Expansion Hypothesis, Dr. Stavros T. Tassos 275
- Global Models of the Expanding Earth, Klaus Vogel 281
- An Orogenic Model Consistent with Earth Expansion. Carol Strutinski 287
- Earth Expansion Requires Increase in Mass, John K. Davidson 295
- Principles of Plate Movements on the Expanding Earth, Jan Koziar 301
- The Origin of Granite and Continetal Masses in an Expanding Earth, Lorence G. Collins 309
- The Primordially Hydridic Character of Our Planet and Proving It by Deep Drilling, C. Warren Hunt 315
- Possible Relation Between Earth Expansion and Dark Matter, Stanislaw Ciechanowicz & Jan Koziar 321
- Earth Expansion and the Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanicism, Dr. Martin Kokus 327
- Tension-gravitational Model of Island Arcs, Jan Koziar & Leszek Jamrozik 335
- Electromagnetic Interactions and Particle Physics, Asim O. Barut 339
- Isotropic and Genotopic Relativistic Theory, Asterios Jannussis & Anna Sotiropoulos 347
- A Look at Frontiers of High Enrgy Physics: From the GeV (109 eV) to PeV (1015 eV) and Beyond, Prof. Michele Barone 359
- An Approach to Finite-Size Particles with Spin, Bronislaw Sredniawa 369
- A New High Energy Scale?, Vladimir Kadyshevsky 377
- On the Space-Time Structure of the Electron, Dr. Martin Rivas 383
- Physics Without Physical Constants, Prof. Edward Kapuscik 387
- The Relation Between Information, Time and Space Inferred from Universal Phenomena in Solid-State Physics, Gerhard Dorda 393
- Quantum-Like Behavior of Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field and Observation of Discreet Forbidden States in the Classical Mechanical Domain, Ram K. Varma 401
- Unipolar Induction and Weber's Electrodynamics, Prof. Andre K. T. Assis & Dario S. Thober 409
- Impact of Maxwell's Equation of Displacement Current on Electromagnetic Laws and Comparison of the Maxwellian Waves with Our Model of Dipolic Particles, Lefteris A. Kaliambos 415
- Direct Calculation of H and the Complete Self Energy of the Electron from Fluid Models, Dr. William M. Honig 423
- Interbasis "Sphere-Cylinder" Expansions for the Oscillator in the Three Dimensional Space of Constant Positive Curvature, George S. Pogosyan, A. N. Sissakian & S. I. Vinitsky 429
- Pancharatnam's Topological Phase in Relation to Dynamical Phase in Polarization Optics, Susanne Klein, Wolfgang Dultz and Heirun Schmitzer 437
- On the Connection Betwee Classical and Quantum Mechanics, Dr. Andrzej Horzela 443
- Discrete Time Realizations of Quantum Mechanics and Their Possible Experimental Tests, Carl Wolf 449
- Heraclitus' Vision - Schr?dinger's Version, Pitter Gr?ff 459
- Is It Possible to Believe in Both Orthodox Quantum Theory and History?, Euan J. Squires 465
- A New Logic for Quantum Mechanics?, Eftichios Bitsakis 475
- Dangerous Effects of the Incomprehensibility in Microphysics, Jenner Barretto Bastos-Filho 485
- Classical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Vladimir K. Ignatovich 493
- Rabi Oscillations Described by de Broglian Probabilities, Mirjana Bozic & Dusan Arsenovic 503
- A Test of the Complimentarity Principle in Single-Photon States of Light, Yutaka Mizobuchi & Yoshiyuki Othake 511
- Experiments With Entangled Two-Photon States from Type-II Parametric Down Conversion Evidence for Wave-Particle Unity, Prof. Carroll O. Alley, T. E. Kiess, A. V. Sergienko & Y. H. Shih 519
- Note on Wave-Particle Unity, H. Yilmaz
- Correlation Functions and Einstein Locality, Augusto Garuccio & Liberatot De Caro 529
- Optical Test's of Bell's Inequalities: Cloing the Poor Correlation Loophole, Susana F. Huelga, Miguel Ferrero & Prof. Emilio Santos 537
- Atomic Cascade Experiments with Two-Channel Polarizers and Quantum Mechanical Nonlocality, Mohammad Ardehali 545
- New Tests on Locality and Empty Waves, Ramon Risco-Delgado 555
- Wave-Particle Duality, Prof. Marius Borneas 561
- Quantum Correlations from a Logical Point of View, Nikos A. Tambakis 565
- Local Realism and the Crucila Experiment, Yaov Ben-Dov 571
- The Space of Local Hidden Variables Can Limit Non-Locality And What Next?, Milan Vinduska 575
- How the Quantum of Action Cannot Be a Metric One, Constantin Antonopoulos 583
- The Ghostly Solution of the Quantum Paradoxes and Its Experimental Verification, Raoul Nakhmanson 591
Index 597
View count: 1
Pages: 256
Publisher: Martin, Brian and O'Keefe Ltd
Year: 1972
ISBN: 0856160601
ISBN: 978-0856160608
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Professor Dingle's reputation in the world of science, in Britain and further afield, is considerable, as have been his achievements. It is therefore a matter of fundamental importance that after much of a lifetime subscribing to what is regarded as a central part of modern physics "Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity" a scientist of Professor Dingle's wisdom and experience should now cast grave doubt on it, and ask for basic reconsideration. He writes: "The habit has developed of assuming that a physical theory is necessarily sound if its mathematics is impeccable: the question of whether there is anything in nature corresponding to that impeccable mathematics is not regarded as a question; it is taken for granted."
Professor Dingle's views have become widely known through a series of extraordinary, sometimes bitter, correspondences in Nature and the Listener. In the latter, much of the argument centred on the matter of the now famous 'travelling clocks'. His technical argument is reserved for the second part of this book. The first part will cause shock and dismay to many, whether scientists or not. In his attempts over recent years to raise the basic question of Special Relativity's rightness or otherwise, the author has found himself obstructed and progressively disregarded by key figures in the world of scientific responsibility and information. He gives chapter and verse to this, and the whole story is damning to a discipline that has claimed so much. Professor Dingle issues a grave warning against the perils that exist to us all as a result of this indifference and lessening of scientific honesty.
Pages: 124
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
Year: 2003
ISBN: 1413403921
ISBN: 978-1413403923
ISBN: 1413403913
ISBN: 978-1413403916
Erroneous conclusions and gaps in modern physical theory are revealed. Perceived conflicts between classical and quantum are eliminated, partly as a result of a new theory of electric fields. The new theory explains relativistic mass increase and mass decrement in the nucleus, identifying a supplementary term needed in Einstein's famous equation E = mc2. The theory also provides a logical explanation of electron diffraction. The book challenges concepts of particle / wave duality, provides an alternate explanation of nuclear forces and proves that all verified predictions of special relativity theory are a sole result of Einstein's relativistic mass increase theory.
View count: 1
Pages: 201
Publisher: F. Muller
Year: 1977
ISBN: 0584101481
ISBN: 978-0584101485