The exploration of the subnuclear world is done through increasingly complex experiments covering a wide range of energies and in a large variety of environments ? from particle accelerators and underground detectors to satellites and space laboratories. For these research programs to succeed, novel techniques, new materials and new instrumentation need to be used in detectors, often on a large scale. Hence, particle physics is at the forefront of technological advancement and leads to numerous applications. Among these, medical applications have a particular importance due to the health and social benefits they bring. This volume reviews the advances made in all technological aspects of current experiments in the field.
- Advanced Detectors and Particle Identification
- Astroparticle and Underground Experiments
- Calorimetry
- High Energy Physics Experiments
- Radiation Damage
- Radiotherapy and Medical Instrumentations
- Software Applications
- Space Experiments and Heliosphere
- Tracking Devices
Table of Contents (360k)
Preface (123k)
Chapter 1: GEM detectors activity at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN (291k)