The Final Theory presents the first truly comprehensive and viable alternative to mainstream scientific beliefs, showing how a simple overlooked principle in nature finally explains and resolves many of the mysteries and paradoxes in today's science. Expand and liberate your mind with simple, sensible explanations for the most perplexing problems in physics today - without having to be a science scholar. What actually is gravity and how does it operate - is it a force, warped space-time, or something else entirely? Is anti-gravity possible? Is the speed of light truly a limit? Is faster-than-light communication possible? Does light truly have a dual wave-particle nature or has it simply been misunderstood? What does Einstein's E = mc2 equation actually mean? What is the true nature of energy? Are the new additions of "dark matter" and "dark energy" to our science really proper, and do they solve anything or just deepen the mysteries? The new scientific perspective in this easy-to-read book takes the reader through a wealth of compelling answers to the many unresolved questions that still plague mainstream science today.
Today?s popular science book market is dominated by titles from recognizable science figures that attempt to provide answers in response to a deep-seated human need to understand our universe, but unfortunately, none truly deliver on this expectation. The majority, in essence, amount to abstract speculation or philosophizing based on already well-worn underlying themes such as Quantum Mechanics or Relativity Theory, and, more recently, String Theory, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy. While these are fascinating ideas to contemplate, decades on the mysteries and paradoxes still abound amidst a continual recycling of the same unresolved issues in each new science book, documentary, and science magazine. In sharp contrast, The Final Theory is the only competing best-selling science title to provide powerful answers in response to this need for understanding. It shows where each of our current scientific beliefs first began to lose their way then sets each area of science back on track, framed within an entirely new scientific paradigm that resolves all of the chronic mysteries and paradoxes in today?s science. Gravity, electricity, magnetism, and light are clearly and unambiguously explained for the first time, Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory are replaced with far simpler and more sensible explanations, and beliefs such as String Theory, Dark Matter and Dark Energy are shown to be no longer necessary.