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Pages: 200
Publisher: Books on Demand
Year: 2009
ISBN: 9783839117132
ISBN: 978-3839117132

Zeitreisen. Fakten und Fiktionen (Buy Now)
KeyWords: time,time travel,science fiction,grandfather paradoxon,wormholes
  • Physicist, Author
    (Psychology, Myths Concerning Science, Especially Modern Physics and Theory of Evolution, Argentine Tango)
    Peter Ripota was born in Linz/Austria and lives in Germany (Muenchen).

    Education: 1961 - 1969 Studying Physics & Mathematics at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria, Diplom Ingenieur degree in Technical Physics.

    Employment: For 23 years journalist and editor for P.M.-Magazin, now retired.

    Articles: Many papers in \"PM-Magazin\", among them \"Der Verri?: Einsteins Relativitaetstheorie ist falsch!\", PM 10/97, p. 58-63.