The Possible Nature of Light Emissions
Year: 2007
Newton's 300 year-old observations with prisms and light spectra show that white light is composed of many different colors. After light passed through Newton's prism, any single light color (say red) through a second prism produced no further spectral spread. Assuming this author's prior paper [1] is correct, each color would have a slightly different wave length and light speed, but all would have the same periodicity (frequency). The uniqueness of each tiny energy bundle of each color was possibly established at the instant of its original emission [escape] from its unique tiny location within the light source. If true, white light would not have a single light speed as is currently assumed without proof. Rather, it is a mix of a nearly-infinite number of light speeds whose average speed might conceivably be that which is measured. But, there are significant problems in accurately measuring speed of light --even light with a single wave length. A few of those problems are mentioned in this paper. To avoid those problems, we can turn to Christian Doppler 1842/6 discussions [2] of colored light and his equations still in use today in which wavelengths shift with velocities of the observer and the velocity of each tiny light emitter. If true, definitions of Doppler's kind of ?ether? might be clarified by the concepts of uniqueness of each tiny light source plus Galileo's relativity. A conceptual experiment of possible use in investigating this is discussed in [3]. [ 1 ] N.E. Munch, ?Universal Time Confirmation Using the Unique Aspects of Relative Motion in Galileo's 400 year-old Observations? in NPA's 14th annual conference at UConn-Storrs, May 21-25, 2007 [ 2 ] Christian Doppler, ?On the Colored Light of Double Stars and Certain Other Stars of the heavens? [translated] , 1842 Publ. Abh. Konigl. bohm. Ger. Wiss. 2, 465-482, 1843. [ 3 ] N.E. Munch, ?Possible Experiments Simulating Optical Doppler Effects at All Speeds?, In Proceedings of NPA's 14th Annual Conference at UConn-Storrs, May 21-25, 2007.