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Aether, the Mother of All Forces in Nature - Electromagnetism (Paper II of IV)

Cameron Y. Rebigsol
Year: 2018 Pages: 21
Keywords: Aether ocean, fluid, intrinsic pressure, negoff, posoff, helix, spiral ribbon, quantized pit, vertical penetration, horizontal movement

Conventionally, electrons in an atom are thought orbiting a nucleus. However, a fact more true to the point should highly be that they just swim in the ocean of Aether when excited by energy, or just motionlessly float by a certain depth from a nucleus if not adequately exited. A state of being not exited for them nearly non-exists. Because of the Aether ocean, the traveling manner of the electrons around the nuclei cannot fit into what the Bohr's model predicts. Instead of circulating about each nucleus, they collectively glide back and forth across some distance covering many nuclei, riding on the support of the floating force provided by the Aether fluid. During each of their journey of gliding, each of them may sometime sink closer to certain nucleus, but sometimes float farther away from some others.

Due to the Aether particles' close proximity between each other and imposing spatial position, when an electron moves through them, the electron must yank the particles on its way of moving. This creates the interaction between the electron and the Aether particles. An electrical field is the manifestation of this reaction, both static as well as dynamic. That an electrical field is inevitably established by Aether at where some electrons appear and that the Aether otherwise stays neutral force us to recognize that each Aether particle is further composed of two sub-particles. One of them is particularly sensitive to positive charge and the other to the negative charge. Not only do they have sensitivity showing particular preference to a certain kind of charge, but each of them also has a shape. When the situation is right, such a shape would allow a big collection of them to line up to enable the appearance of certain helix. Of course, a big collection of such sub-particles would mean a big number of such helixes. Geometry tells us that two parallel helixes but \(180^o\) out of phase can form a spiral ribbon. It is this spiral ribbon structure that hides the secret of magnetism. Depending on the situation, such lining up can appear as a dynamic product due to the activity of electrical charge, or as a static product because of the shape of the nucleons. Any spiral ribbons so formed must withstand the formidable intrinsic pressure of the Aether fluid, which must tend to return the "twisted" arrangement back to a state that is untwisted. This tendency would make every spiral ribbon loop back to itself at where it starts once created. This looping-back characteristic inherently dismisses the existence of any so called magnetic monopole.

As the Aether fluid inevitably responds with its high intrinsic pressure to the movement of the electrical charge, its response would therefore result in work to be done or energy to be transported. The work done or the energy transported by the Aether fluid manifests itself via electrical force and magnetic force. If the response completes momentarily, an electromagnetic impulse appears; if completed periodically, electromagnetic waves are the result.