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Is the aether entrained by the motion of celestial bodies, what do the experiments tell us?

Joseph Levy
Year: 2012 Pages: 19

Even though the concept has evolved and if the designation as aether is improperly

regarded as outdated, nobody today considers that the vacuum is empty. However, the

nature and the properties of the substratum, which permeates the entire universe, remain

for the most part unspecified. For example, divergent opinions are put forward by

physicists about a possible dragging of the aether by the translational motion of celestial

bodies due to gravitation. We show in this text that such a hypothesis is inconsistent with

well established experimental data which, on the contrary, lend support to non-entrained

aether theory based on Lorentz contraction. A revaluation of the aether drift to which the

Earth is subjected is carried out.