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Conceptual and Critical Analysis of Bill Stubb's Paper - An Assessment of the Gravity Data during the March 9, 1997 Total Solar Eclipse

Robert L. Kemp
Year: 2013 Pages: 14
Keywords: Gravity, vortex, Eclipse, Speed of Gravity, Speed of Light, General Relativity, Newtonian, Instantaneous Speed
This paper gives a theoretical and conceptual critical analysis of a paper published by William Stubbs (February 2013), An Assessment of the Gravity Data Collected at the Mohe Observation Center in China during the March 9, 1997 Total Solar Eclipse. This paper is written to bring discussion, and a top level critical evaluation of Stubb's analysis and conclusion for the value of the ?Speed of Gravity? based on his obtained experimental data of the gravitational interaction during a solar eclipse, as clearly described with graphs and tabular data, in his paper. My analysis of Stubb's conclusions, places Newton and Einstein in a toe to toe stand off debate, over who has the more accurate description of the way that nature behaves. Newton makes the claims that there is an ?Instantaneous Gravitational Interaction Speed? when there is the interaction between any two or more mass bodies. And Einstein makes the prediction that there is ?Finite Speed of Light Gravitational Interaction? when there is the interaction between any two or more mass bodies. Stubbs concludes that Newton is correct! I maintain that Einstein is correct!