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Lightning strokes that are measured as simultaneous from the railway embankment, are also measured as simultaneous from the moving train

Dionysios G. Raftopoulos
Year: 2012 Pages: 14
Keywords: Special Relativity Theory (SRT), Lorentz Contraction Factor, Conjugate Position, Simultaneity, Synchronized Clocks, Linear Array of Synchronized Clocks (LASC), Perceptible Space, Geometrical Space, Re
In this paper, we examine the thought (gedanken) experiment referred to in the title, by using the two principles (hypotheses) of the theory of special relativity and adhering to Heinsenberg's and the Copenhagen School's philosophical line. In other words, we introduce to the theater of events the observer who measures them in both space and time and request that the propositions of physical science are derived from those very measurements. By doing so, we arrive at the conclusion that events measured as simultaneous from one system of reference, are also measured as simultaneous from any other system of reference moving in a linear uniform translatory motion relative to it, contrary to Einstein's thesis.