Year: 2013
Einstein first formula in the STR and his article published in 1905 not introduce any new physics in the "revolutionary ideas" of space and time - it introduces a completely erroneous understanding and interpretation of physical and geometrical truths described these formulas.
Albert Einstein has no definition of time. Analiza međuzavisnosti velič?ina je povr??na. Poistovjećuje stvarnu istinu sa nogućom i prividnom istinom u fizič?koj stvarnosti. Nema dilatacije vremena, nema kontrakcije duljina. The following figure is:
PC = PN = ct i PB = PT = vt , Einsteinovo 2ct' = BN = CT , 2vt' = AT i 2l0 = 2ct0 = AC.
Albert Einstein: "Every reference body (coordinate system) has its own special time, a time entry only makes sense then, if the specified reference body to which the statement relates."
The best known and most used Einstein 's formula for the time "moving system" is the speed v:
U narednim formulama koristim Einsteinovo t'
The time intervals: are directly proportional to the measured length l0, and inversely proportional to the
velocity of the same length of time: .
Einstein time t 'is
It is essential that we immediately see the relationship between the acceleration a, momentum and energy for the following time
intervals: t i tv ,
In these records, algebraic (formulas) of the geometric description (geometric representation) physical facilities (relative mechanical movements of the body in space) there is no need to introduce the concepts of "time dilation", or "length contraction". These bills algebraic geometric description of physical for all possible 0 < v < c the speed.
Einstein time interval (t ') can be expressed and the following mode of?'s (First equal to Einstein, and extensions are "my patent")
This algebraic, geometric and physical truth can not deny even one living mathematician or a physicist, no matter what kind of fame and authority had.
Einstein-ova relativnost u STR jeste eksperimentalno pokaziva, provjeriva i dokaziva na temeljima i zakonitostima klasi?ne fizike i Euklidove geometrije. Einstein-ova razmi?ljanja i tuma?enja tih eksperimentalnih rezultata nisu eksperimentalno provjeriva i dokaziva. Ne postoji ni jedan jedini eksperiment koji potvr?uje dilataciju vremena ili kontrakciju du?ina.