Year: 2010 Pages: 28
CT is based on (A) implementing Maxwell's aether as a massless all-pervasive superfluid elastic continuum of (negative) electric charge and (B) seeing mass-bearing fundamental particles as vortical constructs of aether in motion, (e.g. Maxwell, Larmor, etc), so their diffraction is no surprise. For oppositely-charged particles, one sort contains more aether and the other less, so particle-pair creation is ?easy'. This defines mean aether density as >1030 coulombs/cm3, so it provides a near-irrotational reference frame for our observations of ?absolute' direction with suitable devices.
Recognizing the aether as reference frame for translational behaviour of otherwise-separate bodies legitimizes the vector addition of velocities, yielding a resultant >c, thereby escaping SR's need of the Lorentz transformations. Under (B) the particle mass is measured by the aether-sucking capability of its vortex, positive-only gravitation being because sucking themselves together is the statistically prevalent expectation. This activity maintains a radial aether density gradient - the ?Gravity-Electric (G-E) Field' - around and within any gravitationally retained assemblage, so Newton's is an incomplete description of gravitation. The effect on c of that charge density gradient yields gravitational lensing.
We show that G-E Field action on sufficiently charged ions and plasma is, and has been, astronomically ubiquitous. This strictly radial outward force has the property, shared with radiation pressure, of increasing the angular momentum of material, but at constant tangential velocity. Spiral galaxies no longer require CDM to explain this. The force has comprehensive relevance to the high a.m. achieved in solar planet formation, to their prograde spins and to exoplanet observations. Other probable cases are the solar wind, prodigious mass loss rates of high-mass stars and the acceleration of ~1019 eV cosmic rays from neutron star surfaces.
The MM experiment was no basis for discounting the aether if it has a particle-tied nature, as in CT. But rejection enabled Einstein to evade that it might be in random motion, causing transmission effects. A particled character renders such motion inescapable, however. I show that random motion of aether charge gives rise to four distance-cumulative, wavelength-independent transmission effects upon TEM waves, plus the generation of a low level of TEM-wave emission (the CMB). Redshift, one of the effects, is demonstrably manifest as the cosmic redshift and as intrinsic redshifts generated in stellar atmospheres, including solar. This removes BigBang expansion and any need for CDM to control it. Dark Energy is not required either; need for it has arisen solely from application of the relativistic doppler formula, which is inappropriate if the redshift is not a velocity. Random electromagnetic excitation at small scales by all-pervasive aether motion offers a potential basis for quantum electrodynamical behaviour and the ZPF.
Finally, and briefly, the c-dependent mode of gravitational intercommunication in CT leads directly to Paul Gerber's (1898) formal resolution of perihelion advance, adopted, unacknowledged, by Einstein for GR. This lays a path to a Mach's Principle origin of inertia and suggests that inertial force is c-limited also, yielding a new and fruitful QSO model with lots of intrinsic redshift (including that of the Lya forest), and a big reduction in the masses of supposed ?black holes'.
Five further experimental tests of CT are suggested.