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The G. O. Mueller Research Project: GOM Project on Relativity

Jocelyne Lopez
Year: 2011 Pages: 2
The G. O. Mueller Research Project has set itself the target of preparing a complete, international documentation of all publications ? in all countries and in all languages ? that contain criticism of the special theory of relativity. This can naturally only be achieved in the context of a long-term project. As a means of protecting itself from all external influence, the project is undertaken in complete anonymity and its initiators do not make personal appearances in public. Instead they make the results of their work available to the public, free of charge. The pseudonym "G. O. Mueller" serves to ensure simple, secure identification and research in library catalogues and in the Internet. For quotation purposes the terms "GOM-Projekt Relativit?tstheorie" and an English version "GOM Project on Relativity" are suggested.