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Converting Aetheric Energy into Magnetic Energy

Jose Ruiz
Year: 2011 Pages: 2
The natural properties of Cerium (Ce) and Gadolinium (Gd) can be combined with other elements such Aluminum and silica so aether can flow into a system and create a magnetic field around the system. Cerium (Ce) absorbs radiation. Gadolinium (Gd) has two very peculiar characteristics: 1. It absorbs isotopes and 2. It has paramagnetic properties. The correct molecule arrangement and set up can lead to the following to happen: Cerium absorbs aether and form clusters of energy which become isotopes by beta decay. The Gadolinium absorbs these isotopes and converts them in a magnetic field. The end result is a conversion of aetheric energy to magnetic energy. This is just an idea that still needs to be tested. A paramagnetic metal sheet can be manufactured using chemical vapor deposition and following a well defined mathematical model. During testing, a flow of energy has to be created so eather can go into an unsaturated system. A successful experiment would show one or more of these characteristics: 1. a temperature decrement around the system, 2. A bigger and constant magnetic field around the system than an induced field. 3. In case of astonishing results, the ouput energy is greater than the input energy or even a reduction in weight of the sheet.