Deduction of Orbital Velocities in Disk Galaxies. "Dark Matter": a myth?
Year: 2007 Pages: 15
Keywords: Maxwell Analogy, gravitation, galaxy, dark matter, gravitomagnetism, rotary star, black hole, gyrotation, Kepler laws, GRT, angular momentum
In my paper "A coherent dual vector field theory for gravitation" is explained how simply the Gravitation Theory of Newton can be extended by transposing the Maxwell Electromagnetism into Gravitation. There exists indeed a second field, which can be called: co-gravitation-, Gyrotation- (which I prefer), gravito-magnetic field and so on. In this paper, I will call this global theory the Maxwell Analogy for Gravitation (MAG) ?Gyro-Gravitation?. One of the many consequences of this Gyro-Gravitation Theory that I have written down, is that Dark Matter does not exist. At least far not in the quantities that someones expect, but rather in marginalized quantities. Many researchers suppose that disk galaxies cannot subsist without missing mass that, apparently, is invisible, and which has to be taken into account in the classic Newton-Kepler model to better explain the disk galaxies' shapes. A remarkable point is that Gyro-gravitation Theory is not only very close to GRT, but more important, easy to calculate with, and coherent with Electromagnetism. It is no coincidence that nobody found the same result with GRT, not because GRT would obtain some other result, but because it is almost impossible to calculate with it. A demonstration is again given in this paper, where I deduce the general equations for the orbital velocities of stars in disk galaxies, based on the assumption of a simple mass distribution of the initial spherical galaxy.