Verification of Stokes? 1845 Terrestrial Ether by Re-Interpretation of Experiments
Year: 2010
The re-interpretations of Riis-Lee-Hall (et al) and of Brillet-Hall tests, together with the re-interpretation of Hafele-Keating, Michelson-Morley, and Michelson-Gale experiments, complete the image of the ?terrestrial ?Stokes? (1845)- ether? (TSE), which is gravitationally-bound to Earth and carried by it translationally in space (but participating only very slightly in Earth?s rotation around its axis). The presence of the TSE close around the globe acts as a kind of shelter, creating on Earth a perfect lack of ?cosmic-velocity? ether-drifts; thus, the high-velocity motions of the Earth around the Sun, around the center of the galaxy, etc., cannot produce any effect on the ?velocity of light? or on the ?time-rates of atomic clocks?. Only low-velocity-ether-drifts, due to the motions relative to TSE Earth?s rotation, are present on Earth, or on flying aircraft, or on orbiting Labs around the Earth. As Earth rotates eastwards, around its axis, the moving clocks of the Hafele-Keating experiment do feel their motions through the TSE generating changes in their time-rates, just as the Michelson-Gale interferometer had detected changes in the velocity of light ?to the East and West- due to Earth?s rotation relative to TSE. Similarly, due to Earth?s rotation about its axis, the Brillet-Hall arrangement detects accurately the ether-drift of our Lab relative to the terrestrial ether.