Simple (but Critical) Flaws in Special Relativity Discussed in Everyday Language
Year: 2006
Keywords: Special Relativity
Special relativity?s flaws are directly traceable to inappropriate shifts in its basic assumptions. Detailed analyses of such flaws are listed in the references. It?s appropriate that such simple flaws and their implications be described here in ways understandable by anyone. For example, when its basis in the light wave equations [x] is held constant, we easily see that lengths in special relativity are the lengths of light travel; and times are the time of that light travel at light speed c. That seemingly small distinction means that lengths are not those chosen at random, nor can elapsed times of light travel be clock-times or clock-rates or the lifetime of twins -- as supposed in special relativity. In another case, an inappropriate assumption of linearity hides the impossible need for lengths in special relativity to both shrink and expand at the same instant. Special relativity?s two principles -- a) that light speed is constant relative to each of 2 frames moving apart at velocity v, and b) that observers on each of those two frames see the same view of the other frame -- are shown to be self-contradictory. Such critical flaws provide adequate reason to reject special relativity. Special relativity?s space-time concepts are also impossible and can be rejected. Any basis of general relativity on special relativity can be seriously questioned. Conclusions from special relativity, such as the constancy of light speed or space-time concepts, or that objects cannot exceed light speed can likewise be rejected until proven otherwise.