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The Electromagnetic Origin of Quantization and the Ensuing Changes in Copenhagne Interpretation

Evert Jan Post
Year: 2002 Pages: 24
The pre-1925 quantum prescriptions of Planck, Einstein, Bohr, Sommerfeld and recently Aharonov-Bohm permit a recasting as part of a complete set of electromagnetic residue integrals such as used in a mathematical discipline known as de Rham cohomology. The ensuing spacetime topological reorganization of early quantum aspects seems well supported by Josephson- and quantum Hall effects. This reversal of priorities demands a physical readjustment of standard nonclassical Copenhagen pronouncements. The Schroedinger equation becomes a tool solely applicable to ensembles consisting of single systems of random phase and - orientation. This reorganization is a return to the ensemble initiatives of the Thirties by Slater, Popper, Kemble and others, which now can be given a compelling form by identifying long standing classical counter-examples to Copenhagen?s nonclassical propositions. Heisenberg uncertainty and zero-point energy have to yield their pedestal of universal absolute status. They now become manifestations governing order-disorder transitions in ensembles.