Year: 2007 Pages: 7
Several experimenters, including Sir J.J. Thompson, reported the appearance of surprisingly large quantities of hydrogen gas during electrical discharge in vacuum. Clarence Skinner reported that during electrical discharge in low- pressure helium, hydrogen was produced at the cathode and the initial rate of hydrogen production obeyed Faraday?s laws of electrolysis. He obtained thousands of times more hydrogen from a silver cathode than it could have originally contained. Recently scientists have produced Bose-Einstein Condensed rubidium, sodium and lithium and found that they transmit light at much lower speeds than vacuum. Could dark matter be Bose-Einstein condensed hydrogen and the medium for light transmission?
According to Linus Pauling, atomic hydrogen is paramagnetic. If Bose-Einstein condensed hydrogen is a matrix of protons and unpaired electrons, it would be paramagnetic and have dielectric properties. The presence of such a matrix permits simple explanations of the forces between separated permanent magnets.