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Water Is The Main Power Carrier Of Future Power Engineering

Philipp M. Kanarev
Year: 2001
Keywords: Water, New Energy

The problems of power engineering are well known. The power carriers, which are used nowadays, are not only exhaustible, but they cause a considerable damage to environment. Nearly 40 years ago it was announced that controlled thermonuclear fusion could be the future inexhaustible energy source. More than 25 milliard dollars have been spent for the investigation of this source, but there is no positive result. This state can be explained by a considerable lag of theoretical investigations from the possibilities of industry to implement any installation in order to check an intuitive idea being formulated. As a result, the main attention has been paid to an experiment, not to a theory.

As there was no acceptable theoretical description of the planned process of thermonuclear fusion control, a positive result could be obtained only by chance. Theoretical prognostication of this result was impossible due to the absence of any notion concerning the models: the electron, the proton, the atom of hydrogen and the ions of chemical elements, which form plasma. Orthodox physics did not even set itself such task.

In the meantime theoretical physics and theoretical chemistry were at a standstill. They were developed by those who managed to overcome a stereotype of the existing theoretical notions. As a result, the models of the photon, the electron, the atom of hydrogen, the atoms of the ions and the molecules of other chemical elements took place. The analysis of them of the behaviour demonstrated the impossibility to control plasma in a current carrying space, which is the main technological element of the well known installations "Takomak". If it was known earlier, the expenses for the above-mentioned investigations could be reduced at least by an order of magnitude.

Twelve years ago Fleischmann and Pons, the American electrochemists, obtained additional energy during electrolysis of heavy water. They announced at once that cold nuclear fusion is the source of this energy. Hundreds of experiments were carried out in various countries in order to check this fact. The positive result was registered, but its reproducibility proved to be low. The reason of appearance of additional energy remained unclear.

In 1995, we began our investigations of the water electrolysis process in order to obtain additional energy. It has been determined that there are such modes of plasma electrolysis of water when up to 100% of additional thermal energy takes place, but a thousandfold increase of energy, which was announced by the Americans, was not confirmed. The calculations have shown that an increase of thermal energy by 100% with the unstable reproducibility of such a result has no prospects for industrial implementation. At least 300% increase of thermal energy is necessary, but such result cannot be obtained still.
But if we take into consideration energy of hydrogen and oxygen, which are released from water together with additional thermal energy, it will be possible to get more than 300% of additional energy.

Modern industrial installations require 4 kWh for production of 1 cubic metre of hydrogen from water. When this hydrogen is burnt, 3.6 kWh of energy is released. If the energy expenses for production of hydrogen from water are reduced by twofold or threefold, it becomes a competitive energy carrier. If it is possible to reduce these expenses of hydrogen tenfold, it will become the cheapest energy carrier. In this case, coal, oil and natural gas fail to compete with it.
Our investigations have shown that there are some plasma electrolytic devices and modes of their operation, which reduce energy expenses for obtaining one cubic metre of hydrogen up to 0.40 kWh. In this case, more than 1000% of additional energy is obtained. A laboratory device with such indices was made one year ago.

Modern fuel elements use potential possibilities of hydrogen by 0.6%. There is every reason to believe that the fuel element will improve this index at least by an order of magnitude if it operates together with the plasma electrolytic reactor. There are great reserves in the discovered direction of the energy problem solution.

The transition from a laboratory installation to the industrial one requires additional investigations with the use of rather expensive spectrometers, gas analysers, electronic sets for simultaneous registration of more than 10 induces of the plasma electrolytic process. As hydrogen is an explosive gas, it is impossible to ignore the investigation stage for making the laboratory installation the industrial one. During the scale operation, dangerous radiations can take place, which accompany the transmutation process of the chemical element nuclei.

Five patents have been received for the investigation results; three positive decisions concerning the issue of the patents and three claims are in the process of consideration. Three editions of the book "Water as a New Source of Energy" are available with the detailed theoretical description of plasma electrolysis of water and the quantitative calculations of the experimental results.

The author of these elaborations was invited to deliver a lecture concerning this problem at the European Congress on "New Hydrogen Technologies and Space Drives", which takes place on June 23-24 in Zurich.

As the author has kept walking along the corridors of the Russian power without success for five years in order to get financing, the last hope remains - to find a foreign investor. The author is busy with this problem as it is clear that a delay in financing is equal to a loss of priority in this topical field of investigations, which solves two global problems of the mankind: the energy problem and the environmental problem.