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The Paradox of Thomas Rotation

Constantin I. Mocanu
Year: 1991
Keywords: Thomas rotation, non-collinear velocities, electromagnetic field, (STR)
In order to extend the 1 + 1 Lorentz transformation to one with 1 + 3 dimensions, the so-called Thomas rotation is inevitably involved. This, in turn, provides the relativistic interpretations of the non-commutative and non-associative composition laws of non-collinear velocities. When dealing with two successive Lorentz transformations involving non-collinear velocities, two peculiarities are revealed. The first is related to the vector-scaler pair (J, p) and the second to the vector pair (E, B); neither implies the Thomas rotation. Ungar's attempt to solve these difficulties by applying the Thomas rotation if invalidated by the conservation law of the electromagnetic field. The result is a paradox revealing an internal contradiction of the Special Theory of Relativity.