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Solution to Energy Dilemma via Faraday Pressure

Stewart Ian Wells
Year: 2009
This sequel to 'Dual Dilemma from Faraday's Law' is an explication of the underlying principles of electrodynamics as they pertain to the classical conservation laws; the situations described herein involving interacting charged wheels are highly idealized, as was the case in the original Dual Dilemma paper itself. The arguments are thus theoretical, and are not in themselves expected to be confirmable by direct laboratory tests. Specifically, the analysis answers the seeming non-conservation of angular momentum resulting from counter-torque applied to a charged wheel by an induced electric field circulation, while simultaneously observing the need for energy conservation. (Since only relative magnitudes of quantities are of concern, relations will be expressed in scalar notation; directions of quantities, where important, should be recognizable from context.) The problem of radiation from accelerated charges is also critically examined, and new formulations are derived to describe the phenomenon. A resolution of the long-standing controversy regarding the seeming non-compliance of the Lorentz force with the third law of motion is also provided.