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Thoughts from Bill Whamond

Bill Whamond
Year: 1994
Keywords: alternative theory, contrarian viewpoints, critiques

Bill Whamond has contributed to previous issues of ESJ. His ideas on the magnetic monopole appeared in ESJ 9. The Roos article he submitted, which showed how to convert magnetic field intensity into pressure force, appeared in ESJ 10.

In the following article, he emphasizes similarities between electric, magnetic and gravitational force equations; and expresses some of his thoughts about the Searl levity disk design.

The content of Whamond?s letters far exceeds the scope of this article. In more recent letters, he has discussed his theories, conceptual as well as rigorously mathematical, about the relationships between spheres (e.g., earth) and pyramids. We hope to be passing along more of his ideas in subsequent issues. We also hope that the translation from letter to print has not caused a distortion of his ideas.