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Einstein's Relativity Failures #2: DI Her Apsidal Motion Puzzle Solution

Joe Alexander Nahhas
Year: 1985 Pages: 10
Keywords: apsidal motion, DI Her, binary star, Einstein, general relativity
This is the solution to the "Quarter of a century" Smithsonian-NASA Posted motion puzzle that all 100,000 space-time physicists Astronomers and Mathematicians colud not solve by space-time confusion of physics or by any said or published physics including 109 years of Nobel prize winner physics and and 400 years of astronomy. For 350 years Physicists Astrophysicists and Mathematicians and all others including Newton and Kepler themselves missed time dependent areal velocity law solution that produced a time dependent Kepler's equation solution and led to a  time-dependent Newton's equation solution and these two new time dependent equations combined classical mechanics and quantum emchanics into one universal mecahnics and explained relativity theory as the difference bewtween time dependent measurements and time independent measurements of moving objects along the line of sight and it explained apsidal motion as the difference between time dpendent measuremenst and time independent measuremenst of angular velocity with precision better than and without space-time ficiton or space-time on demand of fictional forces used by main stream Harvard MIT Cal-Tech NASA Perimeter Insitute and all other Dollar Store Physics departments.