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Mathematical Flaws in Einstein?s ?On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies?

Thomas Smid
Year: 2007 Pages: 1 web
Keywords: special relativity, Lorentz transformation
It is shown that Einstein?s derivation of the Lorentz transformation in his famous 1905 paper is logically and mathematically flawed. First it assumes that, in contradiction to the invariance of c, the speed of light can be used in the same sense as an additive quantity as for the speeds of material objects. In order to apparently compensate for this inconsistency, Einstein then uses flawed maths (e.g. incorrectly applying the chain rule for differentiation) to arrive at his Lorentz transformation formula. A correct mathematical treatment shows that a velocity dependent transformation can not exist if the speed of light is supposed to be invariant. See my web page Mathematical Flaws in Einstein?s ?On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies? for more.