An Astronomy Model within an Infinite Universe
Year: 2004 Pages: 4
Keywords: infinite universe, galaxies, stars, pulsars, AGN
In a Universe infinite in space and time, Population II stars may blacken, cool down, assemble hydrogen, and ignite as Population I stars, which finally blacken too, assemble hydrogen, etc. In this way, stars with very big heavy-element cores may come to existence, which may explain the intrinsic (gravitational) redshift of white dwarfs as well as the intrinsic (gravitational) redshift of bright blue stars. When celestial objects (with heavy elements) become very big, the gravitational contraction may become so high that endothermic reactions start: elements may fuse into elements higher than iron while absorbing low temperature (CBR) radiation, which may explain pulsars. When celestial objects become extremely big, then a reaction may start that turns elements higher than iron into very small elements, mainly HII and electrons, which then may explain radio loud activity by AGNs. Shrunken remnants of old galaxies may become the nuclei of new galaxies as well as the nuclei of AGNs. The cause of solar system formation may by objects (future planets) that travel through interstellar space, attracted to stars.