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Einstein's Special Relativity as Practical Theory

Alex Ceapa
Year: 2004
Keywords: Special Relativity
Radically new technologies, based on the sub-quantum structure of matter, should have been achieved by the middle of the 20th century.  This did not happen because, instead of disclosing the physics warranting some manipulations of equations leading to the Lorentz transformations (LT) in his original papaer on relativity, Einstein tacitly ignored that derivation.  Consequently, the classical principle of physical determination of equations was not implemented in the resulting official special relativity theory (SRT), or, implicitly, in the subsequent theories built on SRT.  Essential information on the sub-quantum structure of matter was missed, and that information provided by colliding relativistic particles was not enough to be understood.  Today, Einstein's original paper on relativity is considered to be of only historical and philosophical significance.  But an understanding of the sub-quantum nature of of matter can be reached when SRT's flaws are avoided.  Tracing radius vectors of moving geometrical points by light signals, I deduced the LT in a manner giving evidence for the physics behinds Einstein's 1905 manipulation of equations.  The resulting meaning of the terms of the LT [that of Cartesian coordinate...], validated the classical principle of physical determination in SRT and the relativistic theories, obtaining that otherwise missed information.